Monday 1 August 2011

Page done, Swimming at the Wharf, Meeting Angus

I finally got the page done that I have been working on for a few days or a week even.  Some days I just didn't have the time and other days I was not in the groove.

I got these pictures from my Mom when her and Dad were in Ottawa last summer, very cool place to visit, some day I would love to go to the Parliament grounds.  I wanted to scrapbook all the pictures because they show the parliament grounds, and the cool buildings, Terry Fox and Sir. John A. MacDonald sculptures and the Queens Guards.   I was trying to figure out how to make a mini book which the idea came to me while I was picking up Dexter.  Here is what I came up with.

So there is my mini book.  I think it turned out pretty good and it showcases all of the pictures of the parliament grounds.  Just a simple bow ties it closed.

The other day I took Dana and Rebecca to the Wharf.  We were there for about three hours they had a blast playing and jumping in the water.  I personally thought the water was just gross but they had fun.

See what I mean about the water?  We saw a boat with a big sail, a guy on a board , cow island, heard some cows bellering (was so good to hear cows again) I did not see them but could hear them, dogs on a boat, the raft/boat that they use to get the cows on and off cow island.

The above picture is cow island.  And this raft/boat thing is how they get the cows there and back.

Dana and Rebecca got 25 shells too.  They had tons of fun it was a nice day not too hot and no humidity which was a bonus.  

My friend Annalee (Logan's Mom) came by with the boys and she brought her dog Angus, he is three years old and Dana loved him he was a big boy, a small pony.  So calm and nice for being such a huge dog.  Even when Sasha was barking at him he just looked at her.  Nice dog.

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