Wednesday 31 August 2011

Nick's job list

Yesterday while Dex and I were cleaning and moving stuff around Nick decided all on his own that he was going to get stuff done too.  The first thing he did was clean some windows.  He did what he could reach then I did the high part.  I said to him how come you are cleaning the window's?  He said cause I want to.  OK that is great.

After he was finished washing windows he swept the floor then he wanted to mop.  I said to him OK Nick what do you want?  He said I just am bored so I am doing something.
What a boy.  Then as he is sweeping he gives me his list of chores that he likes to do.
1.  Mop
2.  Cleaning windows
3.  Vacuum
4.  Sweep
5.  Feeding the dogs
6.  Litter box
7.  Garbage.

Then he said do you know why I like to sweep and mop?  I said no why do you?  He said I like to sweep because they are like hockey gives me practice.  Funny boy, trust him to come up with that reason why he likes to sweep and mop.  As I am writing this he wants to mop the floor. 

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