Thursday 11 August 2011

Nick cooking and the wharf

A few days ago Nick said he wanted to cook for supper again, so we made sure we had what he wanted and away he went cooking Nick's supper.  His friend Logan was here too and helped with making supper.  It was cute to watch them cook.  Nick didn't want any help again and when he asked to make supper he couldn't remember all he needed so I went back in my pictures and showed him.  Thank goodness for pictures.  Logan is cutting and eating the pickles.  I think Nick needs to come up with a name for his sandwich.

Rebecca and Brody were over the other day and so we went down to the wharf again.  Paul even came with us.   When we got down there some kids that went to school with both Dana and Nick were there.  All three of the boys are a grade in between Dana and Nick.  Talon, Terrance and Anthony we have known them since they where in grade 1.  Talon (the biggest one) is the sweetest guy he would never hurt a fly.   I like Talon and hope that he does not change, he goes into grade 6 and goes to ridgeview and there it seems some of them loose there way and start getting into trouble.  It is sad.  Terrance (the middle sized boy) is another good kid he played basketball with Nick (yes Jodi that is the kid who got into trouble but was still able to play but Nick was not allowed) he is a little goofy and gets into a bit of trouble but nothing to serious.  Just being a boy and being silly, he is not rude to adults.  Anthony is very shy but a good kid.  He had got a piece of glass in his foot so we were all around him and Terrance, Anthony and Talon were sitting down beside him and Talon and I were telling him he needed to get it taken out so he was trying but couldn't get it so Talon says to him let T (that is what Terrance's friends call him) take it out so after a couple of tries he says T you get it, not a problem it was out. 

So the kids had a great time with some extra kids to play with.  Nick and Brody said the water was too cold so they didn't get in too much, I told Talon to throw Nick in the water, he said ya sure?  I said yep go for it.  Talon threw him in.

Dana, Nick, Brody, Anthony, Talon, and Terrance diving.

Rebecca and Dana were in the water right away they are little fish.

This is Nick and Brody standing on the edge.  This is as far as they would get wet.

Talon is throwing Nick in the water.  I thought once he got wet that Nick would get in the water and stay but he said that the water was tooo cold.

Yes even I jumped in the water.  I dove in a couple of times swam out and dove in again and that was enough for me.  I thought the water was refreshing (temperature wise not color wise)

While we were there the Military Griffin Helicopter were flying by, at first I thought they were just flying then I took a picture and could tell that there were people sitting in the back with the doors opened.  It took a few times of them flying by and then down the river for me to see that the guys in the back were jumping out into the water then being picked up in boats.  It was cool to watch them.

In the pic above, if was bigger you would be able to see the guys jumping out of the chopper.  It was pretty cool to see them flying around and then the guys jumping out and then seeing the boats.  I think that would be fun to do.

These last pictures I was sitting in the van with Paul looking down at the kids playing.  Nick and Brody did at the very end jump in the water.  Way to go boys.  Talon was teasing Nick about throwing him in again.

All the kids are pushing on the cattle ferry trying to move it,  I think it might have moved a sliver.

We even saw a guy getting his scuba gear on, he went in the water but came back out saying that it was too dark.

And we saw a furry friend who was having fun in/on the garbage can.

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