Thursday 4 August 2011

Busy good day

Today has been such a good day.  We have gotten so much done YIPPEE!.  Paul got the vacuum all fixed, a while back he made a vacuum de-cloger and it has come in handy.  I need to be better at emptying the bag more often especially now that we have Sasha who sheds a lot.  He pulled out with his vacuum de-clogger quite a bit of hair and then the vacuum was good to go again.  So after every time I vacuum I need to empty it out just to be sure that it does not clog up again.  But that was awesome that my vacuum still works.

Paul and I ran to the store to pick up a few things and one of them was little pots for Dana's spider plants.  But when we went to the dollar store they had none, so we went over to the kitchen isle and Paul saw this cute little containers so we got those and Paul drilled a couple holes in the bottom for the water.  They are so cute.

These are the baby spider plants that where sitting in a cup with water in a sunny window ledge.  There was a few that the roots were not long enough to transplant yet.  There was still lots left.  I put 3 to 4 baby plants in each "pot" because of there size.

I wait till the roots are at least this big.  I find they have a better chance that way. 

Baby Spider plants all done for another day.  Now I just wait to see what happens, sometimes a leaf dies but so far I have had good luck with spider plants.  Dana was up to 20 something spider plants and she gave 16 away so we were down to just four but then she picked off all the baby's again so there is always some around.  This is the first time I have put more than one in a pot, we shall see if that matters.  I just love the cute little pots they are so much better than the other ones.

Last night while Nick was at his soccer game Dana asked if she could make a snack I said sure and this is what she made.  Cut up apples and banana's stacked on top of each other.

When Nick and Paul got home from Nick's game Paul said that he heard a girl say "Yeah we got Nick on our team"  Nick had lots of fun and scored two goals and I am sad to say that he has not taken off his soccer clothes yet.  Sad I know he walks around with the soccer ball in his hands too, so we have been saying oh Nick and his baby.

I also got done a couple of pages too while the kids were playing and the dogs were sleeping.  I have had the pictures for a while and love how they turned out.  I used the aluminum foil again for the flowers.  I forgot to take these pictures in my scrap room so before I put them in the album I sat them on the chair by the window and snapped away.  The Tolley I wrote it out in glue then dumped glitter on top, turned out not too bad.

The above picture is Jodi, Taren, Dexter, Justin, Brooklynn and Tina up at Red Rock and Bears Hump.  Love the pics and miss Waterton so much.

Last Monday my friend Aliss went to Maine to visit her family and she was talking about this out of this world flour so she brought me a bag.  I guess there is something about a new bag of flour that makes ya want to bake, so Nick and I made pumpkin muffins and banana bread.  I used my mini loaf pan that makes four mini loafs from pampered chief.   So yummy it has been a while since we baked anything, I used to bake all the time but some how stopped.  But that is going to change,  Nick and Dana love to bake and it is nice to have muffins and bread in the freezer.

On a sad note my camera's flash has burned out so I have to mail it away to Ontario to get a new bulb put in and they will have it a minimum of three weeks after it gets there.  Not too happy about that, not sure what to do.  

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