Wednesday 3 August 2011

rain, rain, come again another day

It has been nice for the cooler days but I am tired of the rain and the kids are tired of the rain.  Although today it has been off and on so they went out in between the rain.  Nick still had a soccer game tonight too.  He is probably going to be dirty when he gets home.  Dana had a tough day today so she just wanted to stay home.

I bit ago I realized that Sasha was not by my feet anymore so I looked around and couldn't see her so I got up and walked around but she was no where so I went upstairs and looked around didn't see her so went into every bedroom and turned on the lights but she was not there.  I was puzzled where did she go?  She is not that small to not be found, I came back down and looked again and found her at the side door laying down looking downstairs.  I think she misses Dexter, who has not been home for a few days and when he was home he was downstairs and she is too scared to go down. 

Dana was dressing Sasha again, don't think she cared about it she left it on for a while.

Here is Dana and Nick just hanging out.  They asked if they could make a snack and I said sure and this is what they came up with. Sandwich, apples, cucumber, and cheese a good tasty snack to me.

Paul and the kids where trying to play a game and Mittens jumped up by the TV.  She sat up there for a bit and then started to lay down and get comfortable so Dana got up and got her so they could get playing again.  Funny cat.  I thought so but they didn't.

Dana was having fun with her kite.  She won it at school and it was a good day to give it a try.  Sasha was wanting in the fun too.  These pictures where taken a few months ago because there was snow still.  Today was gray and cloudy just like that day was.

Saturday while I was getting something off the floor (probably a dog toy or dog related) I put my knee out and that night we had Sasha and Gabby in bed with us so I didn't sleep very good because a certain dog needed the whole bed so when I got up I could hardly walk.  So for the last couple of days I have been putting Tiger balm on it, by the end of the day it hurts a lot and it does not matter how I have it sitting/standing.  Going up and down the stairs a hundred times a day does not help either, last night I heated up a heat pack, took a couple of Advil's and then rubbed tiger balm on it again and went to bed.  This morning it felt better but now at the end of the day it does not feel so good anymore.  It is those stinking stairs that is killing me.  I need to just stay upstairs all day and not come down for anything, but that is not going to happen.  Oh well tomorrow is another day to feel as good as new again.  Thinking positive here. :-)  Good news I got a couple of pages done today.

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