Monday 8 August 2011

Surprise visitor and driveway

Sunday afternoon the phone rang and it was Karen our old neighbour that used to live across the street from us.  They got posted to Pet last summer.  She said that she was going to drop off Khloe to surprise Dana.  Oh what fun Dana had just said how bored she was.

Dana was so excited to see Khloe and shocked too.  They talked for a bit then ran upstairs to Dana's room.  A bit later they went out to the pool.  It was so good to see Khloe again.  Dana and Khloe, it was just like old times with the two of them.  After being in the pool for a bit they came in and had a grilled cheese and then Nick got home and they all went outside and ran around.  Then they came inside and went downstairs so I went down to get a picture of the three of them together which took me about 6 times to get a half a good one because Nick wouldn't keep his eyes opened the silly boy.

I wish I had an old photo on this computer to see how much they have grown, the three of them used to play a lot together, running around, playing in the pool and Nick and Khloe were in the same class at school. 

I found this pic of Dana and Khloe taken just before Khloe moved.  What a fun day it was the kids all playing together.  Here is one with Khoe and Nick .

What fun it was to see these old pictures of the kids having fun together.  Just like old times again.  It sure made Dana's day to see Khloe again, she sure has missed her.

This morning the workers came to work on the driveways.  Last week when they were working the workers would work for about 1 hour then take a 30 min break.  Well today they must have had a talkin too because today they worked and worked.  I asked one of the workers how many driveways they had to do and he said that they were doing 132 driveways.  Wow that is just a few to do.  Some of these pictures I was hanging out the side window to get the shot.

Our driveway is finished for now.  Hopefully it is not too long before it is finished.

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