Tuesday 30 August 2011

What a weekend

My oh my what a weekend.  Saturday we went outside and got the pool started to drain and put the gazebo in the sun so dew could dry off the top then we took that down.  We cleaned and hung clothes on the line.  Our usual Saturday stuff.  Sunday came and we got some rain sometimes really hard then at other times just a soft drizzle.  Here is our puddle that we always get when it rains a lot.  After a while the dogs did not care and went outside in the rain.

Sunday night we are getting ready for bed and I heard a noise but didn't think anything of it.  Thought it was the neighbour doing something when Dana comes in my room and says her window blew open.  So I go in and sure enough her window has blown open and looks like it is going to fall off so I yell for Paul and we get her window closed and latched and locked so it would not come back open.  Dana said that our house was haunted we had ghosts.  I said no our house does not have ghosts it is just the wind.

Around 1:30am the power went off and the house was so very quiet so I didn't sleep too well.  I figured that the power would be back on before morning but it was not.  Paul got up for work and took his work clothes to shower at the gym after PT.  At 11:30 I called Ben's Mom to see if she had power and she did so Nick and I were still good to get our hair cuts after lunch. 

So Nick and I drove out to Burton and we got our hair cuts.  Ben's Mom is really nice.  She was born and raised in Germany.  She has been in Canada for a few years (20 I think)

So much better.  Nick and I had a great time and we brought Dexter home with us because he had been at Ben's house.  When we got home I thought for sure the power would be back on but it was NOT.  Paul said the guys at work said that when they called they were told 4:30pm.  After supper we walked around the mall just window shopping and then went home.  By this time it was 7:30pm so Paul called while I cleaned out the hamster cages and the lady told him between 7:30 and 8:30pm it should be back on.  We decided to go for a walk it was such a nice night out, felt better outside then it did in the house when we got back at 8:45pm the power was still out so Paul found the kids some glow sticks and we told jokes.  At 10:00pm we all went to bed.

The power came on at 6:17am Tuesday morning.  YIPPEE

I wanted to get rid of the old computer desk and told Dex that he was going to help me so he decides that he wants it in his room so we start cleaning and moving stuff.  What a fun time, I just LOVE moving stuff around and hauling heavy stuff up and down the stairs it makes me feel so good about myself.  Dexter's room is finished and the main floor is almost done.  Just little odds and ends stuff left and where to put my recycle bin for cardboard, not sure where to put it now.
This is after.
And Dex room

Well I am tired and going to bed.  I have not slept good these last few nights and worked hard today moving stuff around.  My bed is calling my name.  I will post tomorrow of Nick and is cleaning list.  funny boy

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