Wednesday 31 August 2011

Nick's job list

Yesterday while Dex and I were cleaning and moving stuff around Nick decided all on his own that he was going to get stuff done too.  The first thing he did was clean some windows.  He did what he could reach then I did the high part.  I said to him how come you are cleaning the window's?  He said cause I want to.  OK that is great.

After he was finished washing windows he swept the floor then he wanted to mop.  I said to him OK Nick what do you want?  He said I just am bored so I am doing something.
What a boy.  Then as he is sweeping he gives me his list of chores that he likes to do.
1.  Mop
2.  Cleaning windows
3.  Vacuum
4.  Sweep
5.  Feeding the dogs
6.  Litter box
7.  Garbage.

Then he said do you know why I like to sweep and mop?  I said no why do you?  He said I like to sweep because they are like hockey gives me practice.  Funny boy, trust him to come up with that reason why he likes to sweep and mop.  As I am writing this he wants to mop the floor. 

Tuesday 30 August 2011

What a weekend

My oh my what a weekend.  Saturday we went outside and got the pool started to drain and put the gazebo in the sun so dew could dry off the top then we took that down.  We cleaned and hung clothes on the line.  Our usual Saturday stuff.  Sunday came and we got some rain sometimes really hard then at other times just a soft drizzle.  Here is our puddle that we always get when it rains a lot.  After a while the dogs did not care and went outside in the rain.

Sunday night we are getting ready for bed and I heard a noise but didn't think anything of it.  Thought it was the neighbour doing something when Dana comes in my room and says her window blew open.  So I go in and sure enough her window has blown open and looks like it is going to fall off so I yell for Paul and we get her window closed and latched and locked so it would not come back open.  Dana said that our house was haunted we had ghosts.  I said no our house does not have ghosts it is just the wind.

Around 1:30am the power went off and the house was so very quiet so I didn't sleep too well.  I figured that the power would be back on before morning but it was not.  Paul got up for work and took his work clothes to shower at the gym after PT.  At 11:30 I called Ben's Mom to see if she had power and she did so Nick and I were still good to get our hair cuts after lunch. 

So Nick and I drove out to Burton and we got our hair cuts.  Ben's Mom is really nice.  She was born and raised in Germany.  She has been in Canada for a few years (20 I think)

So much better.  Nick and I had a great time and we brought Dexter home with us because he had been at Ben's house.  When we got home I thought for sure the power would be back on but it was NOT.  Paul said the guys at work said that when they called they were told 4:30pm.  After supper we walked around the mall just window shopping and then went home.  By this time it was 7:30pm so Paul called while I cleaned out the hamster cages and the lady told him between 7:30 and 8:30pm it should be back on.  We decided to go for a walk it was such a nice night out, felt better outside then it did in the house when we got back at 8:45pm the power was still out so Paul found the kids some glow sticks and we told jokes.  At 10:00pm we all went to bed.

The power came on at 6:17am Tuesday morning.  YIPPEE

I wanted to get rid of the old computer desk and told Dex that he was going to help me so he decides that he wants it in his room so we start cleaning and moving stuff.  What a fun time, I just LOVE moving stuff around and hauling heavy stuff up and down the stairs it makes me feel so good about myself.  Dexter's room is finished and the main floor is almost done.  Just little odds and ends stuff left and where to put my recycle bin for cardboard, not sure where to put it now.
This is after.
And Dex room

Well I am tired and going to bed.  I have not slept good these last few nights and worked hard today moving stuff around.  My bed is calling my name.  I will post tomorrow of Nick and is cleaning list.  funny boy

Friday 26 August 2011

All done YIPPEE!!

Yesterday evening when I went to log on to my gmail to post on my blog I had a new word for the day.  What? I thought the book was finished, so I had two new words to do.  So this morning when Paul got up and everybody else was still sleeping I got to work to finish my book.

I had fun doing the little book.  I had to think outside of my box doing 6x6 size was a bit hard for me because I usually do 12x12.  It was fun and got me thinking of doing other mini books.

Finally Dana's room is finished and if she ever has a friend over again who dumps out all the toys in all the bins and takes her clothes out of her closet that "friend" will be cleaning up the mess that she made NOT me.  Dana did work in her room to clean too, but there was so much and very over whelming, I had to leave the room a few times just to stay focused and not give up.  Last night she must have been doing stuff in there because there was some things moved and a bit more of a mess.

Dana's room was a LITTLE messy, she had her stuffed animals out all over the room and some books, a few clothes and a few other odds and ends but by NO means was it like the photo.  I could have easily had it cleaned in an hour or so but after Rebecca decided that dumping everything out was fun it was this huge mess.  I am really shocked that Dana didn't say anything or let her keep doing it.  Prepare yourself for a complete disaster.  I could not even get in the doorway.

I was NOT impressed with the mess that was made at all and told them to clean it up.  Well that only lasted for about an hour then they were finished.  I got two big garbage bags full of stuffed animals and took them downstairs. (if only I could get RID of them forever but Dana would have a fit she loves her stuffies, last week she got her stuffies that had holes and sewed up the holes) I got one full bag of garbage thank goodness it was garbage day this morning so it is gone and she can't go through it.  I told her when I was throwing stuff in there that we would go through it later, and a couple of times she was starting to look in it but I said don't worry we will look later. I just hope she does not remember about it because then I will be in trouble.

So after two days of cleaning some by Dana, most by me I am SO HAPPY that her room is clean again.  And I told her if she ever makes that kind of a mess again I am throwing it all away and she will never ever see any of it again.  Poor girl looked like she was going to cry.  What do you mean throw my stuff away?  She said yes Mom I don't like it a mess either.  Good girl.

Now this is what my scrap room looks like after I am done with a project.  Not nearly as bad as Dana's room.  And it only took me 15 minutes to clean it all up.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Words to Live by Book finished

This morning when Paul left for work and the house was quiet I finished up my book.  I only had 3 pages left to do.  I even up loaded them to the big picture blog to be entered in a draw.  I loved the concept of the word a day so I put in some extra pages for myself to add.

There is my book.  I even got it all up loaded today, and I didn't even have to call Jodi all stressed out because I didn't know how to do it.  It was pretty simple.  I only had until Aug 26th to have it done to be entered in the draw.  Now I get to start on my next project, card kit for a special someones birthday. 

Nick has been so good this summer about mowing the lawn.  He will even mow it when he has a friend over and he thinks it needs to be done.  He does a very good job and makes sure he gets every blade of grass.

Now I am off to hopefully with Dana's help get her room back to normal.  Why must kids empty every container and drawer?   Her room was not bad at all she had all her stuffed animals out and her little pet shop toys and some clothes but her room was not enter and die.  But then her and Rebecca decided that everything had to come out of her closet and every drawer and container emptied on the floor.  What a mess. (I asked Rebecca if this is what she does in her room and she said yes I throw everything out of my closet then clean, oh my what a way to do it.)

 I am sad to report that I am finished cleaning for today.  I did not dare kneel down in fear of wreaking/hurting my knee even more so I was bending over the whole time.  I am proud of Dana though she has been working hard.  I asked her if she wanted to take a break (we had been working in her room for an hour or so) and she said no, I had to go let the dogs out and when I came back upstairs to her room she had her music turned on.  (Savage Garden) I was about to say hey isn't your music a bit loud?  When I remembered a sign I had made for my room "If it's to loud you are too old (by Kiss) so I shut my mouth and started singing with her.   I am not old, so NO the music is NOT too loud. (Ha Ha) Funny how things change.  So tomorrow I will have pictures of the before (yes I had to take a picture) and yes the clean room.  YIPPEE

Wednesday 24 August 2011

New Project

I am so excited to have a new scrap booking project to do.  The other night when I was on Stacy Julian's blog she had a Big Idea Festival project.  Make a 6x6 book and scrap a word a day that each teacher would pick.  I thought cool I can do that, deciding what paper to use would be the hard part.   I was more worried about having the right pictures then other stuff.   So I went up to my scrap room and started to plan.

I cut a box down to 6x6, and used my modge podge to glue my paper down, let it dry, and then sanded down the edges.  Made my book cover and put it together.

I am not finished the book yet but did get a few pages done in between kids, dogs, cleaning etc.  I wanted it to be simple and focus on the words not embellishments.

Some of the words I used two pages for them, more/bigger pictures or for more journaling. 

So that is my little words to live by book so far.  I have a couple of words left to do then I am finished.  It has been a very fun little project to do.  A great way to use up left over pattern paper.   

Monday 22 August 2011

More RCMP Musical Ride Fun

We had so much fun on Saturday at the RCMP Musical Ride.  Dana was in heaven with all the black horses.  She loved petting them and talking to the horses.  We found out that the horses are 6 years old when they can join the Musical Ride and then only experienced riders ride those horses.  When the horse turns 3 that is when more intensive training begins which the facility is just outside Ottawa.  A rider is paired with a horse for a season then they get a new mount.  A Police officer can stay with the musical ride for 3 years then it is back to the real world of crime fighting.  An officer trains with the horses for 1 year and then can stay with the Musical Ride for 2 years.

On the hind end of the horses a Canadian Flag is brushed on with a template, brush and water.

The horses stood still while the riders waved their flags around (like in battle time) and those horses never moved or got spooked at all.

When the show was over Dana went right over to pet the horse and her hand was covered in hair and she said my hand smells like horse now, she was sad when she had to wash because then her hand didn't smell like horses anymore.  Poor girl she wants a horse so bad.

This is the little Crime Stoppers Dog, he is so cute and didn't seem to mind the hat and jacket he was wearing.

And we saw some "Retro" police cars too.