Wednesday 28 September 2011

Odds and Ends

For the last couple days I have been corresponding with the school to get Dana exempt from french.  I was told that the sooner she gets out the better it will be.  Now I find out that the person who says ya or nay thinks that Dana will be fine because she has taken french for the last few years.  Oh the joys I am trying to get these people to realize that 5 or 10 years from now french is not going to help Dana with her life.  Hopefully we will not be here in 2 years.

I took these next two photo's while Paul and I were at the Harvest Jazz and Blues.  I love the old building downtown.

A couple of days ago I tried to do a topknot in Gabby's hair.  It is almost long enough, it was fun to do.  She was not sure about it though and Sasha had to sniff her head too.

Paul's cabinet is coming along.  It is just too bad that he can't work on it all day long.  He keeps having to do other work so the cabinet does not get worked on so then he stays after work for a while to get some things done on it.

Sasha is such a good dog she will be eating and Gabby will sit beside her and the food bowl and then Sasha will back up and let Gabby eat out of her bowl.

Nick was holding his hamster Bear and Sasha had to come over and give him a sniff and a lick.  Sasha is so funny with the hamsters.

hi (from Nick)

Nick was standing behind my and I said I do not know what I was going to say next and Nick said I do.  So he wrote Hi.

I had so much fun making the card kits, then of course I took pictures so I wouldn't forget what I did.

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