Thursday 15 September 2011

Kids and Cookies

This morning Dana was being silly and teasing Paul with her Eggo and throwing it on him so he would be all sticky, she is a real character sometimes.  I asked her to do it again so I could take a picture but made sure to tell her not to do it for real, she laughs.

I finally got the principal to call me back from Dex school and was not impressed with her at all and her attitude towards Dexter.  So nothing got fixed or solved so I was back to leaving messages for someone different.  OH the joys of it all.  Poor Dex is tired of going to classes and getting told he is no longer on the list so he had better leave the room.  Today he was told that so he just came home.  Not impressed with all the crap at all.

Dex called just after lunch to ask if we could make some brownie/cookies?  I said what?  He said cookies with brownies in them.  I said sure we can give it a whirl.  I still had some brownies left over from Paul's birthday.  I made some cookies and I thought I should experiment and see if it works or not and if it didn't then Dex and I would have time to try again but it was a success and Dex said they were fine.  Yippee.

They were so big, like the by George cookies that you put the blueberry pie filling in.  I just guessed how long to cook them for, I think they turned out good though.
Dex needs them for his Entrepreneurship class.  They have to make something (food) and bring it to school and then market it, have a jingle and price.  Dex figured that the other two in his group might not make or bring the item so Dex volunteered to make the brownie cookies.  They came up with this slogan or jingle.  "Get high on life with brownie man's brownies"  So they are all ready to go tomorrow.  One less thing to do tonight.

While I was making the cookies this is what Sasha and Gabby were busy doing.  Sasha would dig and then Gabby would dig it was cute to watch them take turns digging and then sticking their noses in the hole.  I have no idea what they found, bugs of some sort.

A couple of days ago Paul was playing soccer for PT and got tangled up with another player.  When he came home I felt his leg and it felt tight then a couple of days later he showed me his bruise.  Ouch the guys are so ruff when they play.  The picture really does not show it all. 

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