Monday 5 September 2011

Last day before school starts

On Saturday Paul and I got the pool finished draining and drying thank goodness it did not rain.  The weather channel said it was going to but it didn't.  We use the patio tables to keep the pool from laying flat.  It is a pain to drain the pool and I wish there was an easier way, if there is I do not know how to do it.  But it is good to get it done before it gets cold out.  Of course Sasha and Gabby had to check things out.  They loved to play in the water as we were cleaning the sides of the pool.  I was using a scrub brush and Paul had the hose coming behind me and Gabby got all wet and was having so much fun.  Sasha likes water but does not play in it like Gabby does. 

The other day Dana and I were pouring Mittens food out of the bag and into the container and I put some in her dish but she wanted the big container instead.  Dana thought that was so funny because Sasha did the same thing when she was little. 

One morning when Dana woke up she wanted me to come into her room she had something to show me.  I said what is it?  She said just come to room and see what I did.  I thought oh brother if there is another mess I am going to scream.  But she had been busy finding her horse pictures instead and put them on her wall.

While I was in there I took another picture which I have wanted to take for a while but haven't.  When I was little my Grandma S. made me this lamp which I have had in my room all the time I was growing up.  When we moved here I asked Dana if she wanted it in her room and she was very excited to have the lamp in her room.  She likes to read her horse books in her bed.  In the back ground is the poster Dana made back when she was in grade 2.

A few months ago Paul got a plaque for being part of the 128 battery and I finally took a photo of it.  It is a really nice plaque.

Here are Dana and Nick's new shoes.  I had to take a picture of them before they started to wear them and they no longer look this good.  Shoes never look very new and shiny for Nick he is very hard on shoes.  Dana on the other hand is the opposite, her shoes from last year look brand new still.  So her indoor shoes from last year are going to be her outdoor and her new shoes this year are going to be her indoor shoes.  The white ones are Nick's and the blue ones are Dana's.  Nick's better last longer than a month or I am going back to that store and getting my money back.  

The school supplies are all packed in their pack backs and they put there names on there stuff and are ready to go.  The lunch stuff is unpacked and in the box for the lunches, the juice boxes are in the fridge (thanks Dexter) we are about ready for the first day of school tomorrow.  Paul does not have to be to work till 10:00am so we can take the kids to school (it is supposed to rain too). What a fun day it is going to be.  Nick asked when does hot lunch start? Not for a week or two after school starts.  I want a break and have stuff to do and do not want to start hot lunch already. When hot lunch starts there goes at least 3 days of the week.  It will be interesting to see how many volunteers we get this year because last year only two of us have kids at the school the rest have moved on to grade 6 and are at a different school and none of them were coming back to help out.  (not that I blame them if I didn't have kids at that school I wouldn't go volunteer there either) Hopefully some of the new kids coming into the school will have parents that will help out.

When Rebecca came over today she had some chips and let Paul and I try one.  Man they were good and she said "it is like your tongue is dancing on a rainbow" They are really good.  My new favorite chip I think.  We don't have chips very often but when we do that is the kind I am going to buy. 

I got every body's sheets washed and now they need to re-make their beds.  I am making muffins also, what a day. 

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