Friday 23 September 2011

Dana's ankle, cars, Dex's fire trick and a rat

Wednesday morning on the way to school Dana had a bike accident and twisted her ankle she called me when she got to school she said she fine and that it did not hurt too bad.  She said she was fine to stay at school.  I told her if it hurt more to call home and I would come get her.  Fast forward to the end of the day.  The school calls and it is her teacher and she tells me her ankle is swollen and that she needs to be picked up I said I do not have the van and she said she said send a cab.  I could not get a hold of Paul so Dex and I walk to her school.  As soon as I saw her I could tell which foot it was.  Boy was it swollen.  Poor girl so we had Dana get on her bike and Dex and I pushed her home.  We got her home and she said down with her foot elevated with a ice pack.  You really can not tell how swollen her ankle is in the picture.

Dex also had another car today in shop class.

The other day Dex asked if Nick was in the house and I said no he was off playing.  So he said I have a cool trick to show you.  He light the lighter and the sprayed the lighter fluid.  Cool but dangerous.  Dexter loves fire.  Thank goodness Nick was gone I told him not to show Nick ever.

This morning when Paul got home from PT and we were heading out to go to school the lady across the street yelled over for Paul and asked if this thing on her step was a rat.  So we went over and sure enough it was a rat.  I go home to grab a box and the pet carrier and broom and Paul and I get the rat in the pet carrier.  The kids were all excited and of course Nick wanted to keep it for a pet. NOT.  So very fun times before school started.  The kids were late but they all said it was fun to see the rat.

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