Tuesday 6 September 2011

First day of School

Today is the first day of school and so far it has been great.  Dana and Nick woke up pretty much on there own at 7:00am, Dex well he is a big boy and gets up when he wants then he is mad because I didn't get him up.  Dana and Nick ate breakfast, brushed teeth, Dana combed her hair, they both got changed, picked out there lunch snacks and they were ready to go. 

 As we were taking them to school my stomach was having butterflies, I was nervous.  We dropped Dex off then went to Nick's school.  Dana saw her old teacher Miss McCabe and Nick's teacher is new to the school Mrs. Cooper.  Nick dropped off his book bag and headed outside he was not sticking around.  Mrs Cooper asked him if he was excited for school, he said no I am not and out the door he went.  OH I hope it goes good for him.  Miss McCabe said that she knows Mrs. Cooper and has worked with her before and says she is good.  That was good to hear.

We headed to Dana's school (next year Dana and Nick will be at the same school that will be so nice) and we walked upstairs and she walked into her room and then came back out and leaned against the wall with this dreaded look on her face, I said Dana what is wrong she said that Jase is in my class.  Oh Jase great, that is the kid that bullied her last year.  I said don't worry I will talk to his Mom when I come pick you up, he will behave himself.  I know it is going to happen someday she will be able to stand up for herself when it comes to bullies, and either tell someone or kick the kid.   (I just called and talked to Jase's Dad and he said that they went over the rules again with him and if anything happens to give him a call.  I am grateful that Jase's parents are like that and will talk to Jase about being mean to other kids  that will make Dana feel better.)

When I got home I washed the living room windows and took down the curtains and moved stuff around so I could move the plants back into the living room.  Paul also took down the stickes and rope from the driveway, enough of parking on the grass.

When summer comes I put up old sheets that I bought at the second hand store to help keep the sun out of the living room.  The window is huge and the sun gets very hot,  the living room is pretty dark with the two sheets and then the dark brown curtains but it sure helps keep it cooler.  I love to take them down though and let the sun in and to able to see out.

Then I put the plants back in the living room, it looks so much better,  I LOVE fall here the weather is awesome and when the leaves change colors it is so beautiful.  I wish we could skip summer here and just have spring, fall and winter.  I know summer is important for crops but it is so hot and humid I do not like summer here.  Although this summer was not too bad.

When Dana and I where going through her closet we found these two shirts, I love the little people books they are one of my favorite books to read to the kids when they were little.  Dana has the collection in her room and every now and then she will read them again.

I hope that the first day goes well for all three kids, and they are happy with their teachers and that Dexter gets the classes he needs so he can be finished in one semester. 

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