Wednesday 14 September 2011

Anniversary, Kids

Last night Paul and I used his gift certificate he got from when he coached summer hockey for Jungle Jimes and had supper.  We had never been there before.  The food was good we had potatoe skins which were the best we have ever had, Paul had a burger and I had wraps then we shared key lime cheesecake.  So good.  When we got home the door was locked, which was weird then when we went in all the lights were off.  We came around the corner and this is what we saw.
The kids had made the poster and then had candles burning.  Smelled really good because they were my salt city candles.  We could hear Dana giggling around the corner and the boys telling her to be quiet.

This morning the boys had already left for school and Dana was riding her bike again so I got it out and on the driveway for her.  Sasha and Gabby were in the back yard and Dana and I came out the front and I was saying good bye to her.  Dana was down the road a bit and I went to let Sasha and Gabby out the gate to go in the house and Sasha took off after Dana.  I was calling Sasha and was worried that Dana would turn around and then crash on her bike but she stopped and said go home Sasha.  Sasha came running back, I guess she had to make sure Dana was OK.  Sure scared me though I thought she would take off and I would never get her back, but she is a good girl and came back thank goodness.

My meeting yesterday went good.  I meet Nick's teacher who loves Nick, and Nick is doing great she says he raises his hand and talks in french all the time.  She started doing a reward for the more you raise your hand the more tickets you can get and then trade them in for prizes at the end of the week, which Nick loves.  So that was good to hear that he is doing much better.  I knew if he would just pay attention he would do good.

I also had a meeting with Mrs. G about Dana.  She said that she would talk to the teachers especially the one that Dana is having the more problems with.   She said she looked in on Dana and she seemed to be doing fine at that moment.  She was better when she got home last night too and she did her homework.  Mrs. G. said that the teacher that Dana was having issues with is one of the best teachers for accommodating students with their work.  I hope so because the last couple of days have been really hard on her.  Mrs. G. also asked if Dana had friends in her class and I said no she was not put in with any of her friends just the bully that bullied her.  She was shocked.

Then today Dex calls all upset because his stupid principal (his words I have not meet her yet) won't let him take the classes he wants to take.  So he is mad and says tht if she won't let him change back he won't be going to that class.  So now I have been on the phone with his school trying to get that straighted out.  Oh the joys of kids.

Every morning this is how Sasha and Gabby say good morning to Nick.

Nick loves it, he laughs and laughs. The only time he does not like it is when he is tired.  Dana does not like it so Sasha and Gabby will lick Nick to death then just sit nicely by her, although Gabby likes to lick her face especailly her ears.  Gabby loves ears.

Paul is excited because he gets to go to hockey practice Tuesdays and Thursdays mornings.

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