Wednesday 7 September 2011

Paul's B-day and second day of school

Here is the pic I took of Dex on the first day, I had to take it after school because somehow I missed taking his picture before school.  Dex had a muffin in his hand and I told him just hang on to it but he shoves it in his mouth.

Today was good day I got Mattayha's present finished and in the mail so it should get to her for her special day.

Just before Paul came home for lunch Dex called and asked me to make him and Dylan some noodles because they were hungry.  I said I made you a sandwich didn't I?  He said yes but I ate it and I am still hungry.  So Dylan and Dex came home for lunch.  Sasha and Gabby were so happy to see them, I think they miss the kids while they are at school.  When it is time to go get the kids all I have to say to Sasha is "lets go get Dana" and she is at the door.  I am pretty sure that Sasha could walk to school all by herself she is a very smart dog.  She leads the way going to get Dana and then she knows that we hang out with Shirley and wait for Nick. 

After school is when it got crazy.  I went to meet Dana and she had a good day but when she went to get her bike unlocked it would not work, it was the wrong key.  So she was upset and wanted to sit by her bike while I went and got the key.  She came with me while I mailed Mattahya's B-day gift off and then we walked home.  We were almost to where Shirley the crossing guard is when we saw Nick so Dana starts yelling at him then she takes off running to catch up with him.  She was mad at him for giving her the wrong key and she was going to tell him so.

We get home and Nick is mad because he wants to go to the dirt ramps but his helmet is in the van and I won't let him go so he keeps asking when is Dad getting home?  When is Dad getting home? Over and over again.

Paul got home we had supper then Paul and I went to get Nick signed up for hockey.  We saw his old coach who wants us to put Nick in competitive hockey, but it is more expensive and you drive farther for games.  Paul signed up to be a coach too.  Nick is happy because hockey starts on Sept 23.  Then it was time for cake and presents.  The kids love to try and fool or trick Paul into what his gifts are.

Paul wanted Texas brownies for his cake.  Next came the presents and it was fun to see the kids surprise Paul, I left it up to the kids on how to wrap them.

Paul was excited when he saw the box then he open it and got this.

Paul got a nice warm blanket.  

Paul got the new yummy chips.

Paul got new skates he was so excited and they fit.

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