Saturday 10 September 2011

Busy couple of Days

We have had a busy couple of days.  The kids survived their first week of school and it went well.  Nick decided that maybe his teacher and french won't be too bad.  I have a meeting next Tuesday to meet the teacher and help her to help Nick with french.  Dex got his classes changed that he needed to and Dana had a great week.

Friday Nick called to see if Brody could come over and hang out, I wanted to get some pictures of them skate boarding now that our driveway is finished and there is more room but the little stinker would stop skating when he saw me so then I was trying to sneak out the side and put the camera over the side of the fence but he saw me. 

I was going through my pics and I saw this one that I forgot about.  I got some nail polish and with the two together this is what it did.  I thought it was cool.

I also figured out this week that if I put Sasha and Gabby's leashes in the same hand when I go for a walk (or going to get the kids from school) that Gabby walks so much better.  Before when we would go for a walk someone would have Sasha and another person would have Gabby and Gabby would be all over the place, but if she is walking right beside Sasha she walks so much better.  Which then makes for a much better walk.

After school Dana likes to come home by herself while I wait for Nick, so I talk to Shirley (crossing guard) wait for Nick and Dana comes home. There is about 15 minutes in between when Dana goes home and I wait for Nick, so not a long time but enough time for Dana to have some alone time.  Some days she goes in her room, gets a snack, reads a book or goes on the computer.  She says she likes the quiet house all to herself after a busy and loud day of school, gives her a chance to re-group. 

Dexter and Dylan came home for lunch again today too, I guess I need to get some stuff that they can heat up fast, they came home twice this week.  I am not sure if this is going to happen all the time or just this week.  It was good to see them though.  This is what Dex did after supper.
That was our Friday.  Saturday was much busier.

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