Tuesday 13 September 2011

School, getting things done.

On Sunday Paul and I watched the 9/11 recaps,  What a sad day, it seems like it happened yesterday.  It was good to hear that the family's and kids are doing good.  I loved the water fountains that they built where the trade centers were, and the names of all the victims around it.  It was good to hear all the stories about the families and how they have pulled together and are striving to have a happy life.  It was good to hear the stories about the passengers that landed in Gander N.L. (38 planes were re-routed there)  and how the Newfies feed, clothed and housed  the thousands of people for FREE.  That is what Canadians are about helping people out of the goodness of their hearts.  I am proud to be Canadian.

Dana has been having a hard time getting up and getting going in the morning, she does not want to go to school either.  Yesterday morning she was tired and grumpy.  She said her radio wouldn't turn on (she sleeps with her radio on all night) Dex was too loud on his computer talking to his friend, and Paul messed up her bed.  (He didn't know that she wanted to sleep on top of a blanket then have a blanket on top of her)  So the day did not start out good at all.  Then when I went to meet her after school she was more upset.  A teacher got mad at her because she didn't get something done, another teacher had a student come in after gym and tell her to hurry up when she was getting changed, and something in french class.  So her day did not get any better.  Here is Dana riding her bike to school, it is a bit blurry she took off so fast.

So I need to call the school and find out what is going on.  And figure out what to do to help her to get up on time and leave the house.  I was hoping that school would be in before this started again.  She is usually good, until the end then she gets this way I did not expect this the second week of school.  We are in for a long year.  Poor girl.  She does not like any of her teachers and does not want to go to school, so she does not get up and get going.  She had one of her teachers tell her yesterday that she expected Dana to be in her seat at 8:30am and no later.  In a perfect world that would happen. I also mentioned about getting Dana out of french.  In this province you have to have french to graduate and Dana is not going to be able to learn all the french required so I want to avoid that whole situation about french.   I called the school and Pat said some one would call me back.  Something has to be done because it is not good that she is feeling this way.  I also have a meeting at Nick's school too.  Although the last couple of days he seems to be doing better.  He had french homework last night and sat down and got to it. 

Yesterday I was able to get a start on my Christmas gifts.  It's too bad I can't post pictures of them.  I will have to wait till later.  Here is a card I made a bit ago.  I can't remember if I posted this scrapbook page I did either.  Dana and Nick are playing in the leaves and then Paul and I put house wrap around the trees and the kids jumped through it.  They had a blast doing that. 

This morning Paul got to go to hockey practice for PT he was so happy to go play hockey instead of his other PT activities.  Hockey is so much better, he is hoping that they can go for hockey a couple times a week.  

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