Tuesday 4 October 2011

Hockey, Costco

Well Hockey is up and going again.  For the past couple of weeks all the kids have been on the ice for skills and drills.  Because only two goalies have signed up Nick was asked to come to all the practices.  So Saturdays are double practices for him.  He loves it and has a good time. 

Dana even came to watch Nick for the first practice.

Before we left for Hockey we had some lunch and Dana wanted to eat this all by herself.  She is so funny.

Friday Paul got home at 1:00pm and was done for the day so I went into town with Dex and Heike (Ben's Mom).  Heike was looking for shoes for work and I really didn't have anything to get it was just fun to get out of the house.  Dex had some stuff he was looking for.  We got home and made pizza for supper and Nick's friend Daemon stayed over.  Daemon played hockey with Nick last year and they go to the same school.  Daemon's Dad was Nick's goalie coach from last year (and I am hoping will be his coach this year also)

Saturday I mentioned to Danielle (Daemon's Mom) that after hockey Paul and I were going to go into town and go to Costco, she said well I am going to go to Costco come in with me.  So I asked Paul (Nick was still on the ice for another practice) and he said sure go in with Danielle she has already been and knows what is a good deal.  So Danielle and her friend Michelle and I went in to Costco.  It has been over 5 years since I have been in a Costco.  Wow it was fun to see all the stuff.  It was really good to go in with Danielle and Michelle because they have been before and knew what was a good deal and what was not.  We went in about 3:00 and left at 6:00.  I got some stuff for the kids lunches which I was really excited about and when I made their lunches yesterday they all came home and said they all liked the new snacks.  Bonus. (the real bonus was that I spent less than $250)

Nick has been doing really good in school and the other day I asked him to read me some stuff in french that he had brought home.  He read it all and it sounded really good.  He has settled right in and is working hard.  I am so proud of him and hope it continues all year long.  He also got his reward for working hard and no detentions.  Way to go Nick.  Awesome job for the month of September.

I got a letter in the mail yesterday saying that Dana does not qualify for the french exemption.  I was very disappointed and called the district office to talk to the person that decided Dana's fate.  He listened to my concerns and was supportive but would not change his mind.  He said that the teachers say she is doing fine in french.  He said he would be happy to come to a meeting at the end of the year to discuss the next year.  I said what about when she gets to high school and has to take french to pass then what?  He said the teacher's will have to work with her so she does succeed.  I said what if they don't?  He said they will it is there job to see that students pass.  Time will tell I guess.  Hope for the best, sometimes she does surprise me like her test on integers.  I tried to help her study and she said she didn't get it but when she brought her test home she got 14/15.  She does work hard, which is good.

Paul took the camera and got some new pictures of the counter.  Wow it is looking really good he is almost finished it.  What a big job, only a few things left and he is finished.  Awesome job Hubby.

I started a new project and will have photo's of that tomorrow,  I love how I can save money by making my own books.  Super exited about that.

Today is a rainy day so I am making cookies, tomorrow is also supposed to be rainy so I will make muffins tomorrow.

I saw this two signs/posters and liked their message.

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