Monday 24 October 2011

Cleaning, hockey

Last week was crazy, busy I really do not know where the week went.  The kids were off on friday and Nick had a friend over and Dana and I made cookies and muffins.  Nick had hockey thursday, friday and saturday. 

For the past couple of weeks I have been thinking and wondering how to fix my entry way.  It is always a mess and nobody likes to put there coats, backpacks and sweaters away.  So last week after a particularly hard day I got to work.  I emptied out the front entry and got rid of the Rubbermaid tote of toys and cleaned a spot for that at the bottom of the stairs.  That made that look tons better, now I just need to make sure Nick does not keep leaving his toys there.  Then I started on the next part.  I got rid of the green bench.  Moved the plants around and it looks much better.  Nick had to see if he could fit in the green bench still.  Funny kid.  He had fun taking everything out with me. 

Nick had hockey practice and then he wanted me to take him and his friend Brody to public skating.  Nick and Brody were the first ones on the ice and the last ones off.  It was fun to watch Nick stake with out all of his goalie gear on.  It was so fun to watch the two of them race each other and Nick is still super fast.  We had only been there for about a half hour when an older lady lost her balance and fell, she cracked open her head a bit so one lady was holding some gauze on her head, I had my blanket so I got that and with another lady's help we got it wrapped around her, Nick's cloth that we use to clean his skates we used to lay on the ice under her head because the lady's hands were getting cold.  We were talking to her and asking her questions then when the ambulance came we kept the kids back.  What an experience about half of the people left after that so there was not too many left. 

After public skating it was figure skating and the boys wanted to know if they had to wear helmets so we asked the lady and her little girl if they had to wear helmets.  Her name is Karen and she said that when they are starting out they do.  So the boys watched and I visited with Karen whom I had never meet before, she was so fun to talk to.  After figure skating was a women's hockey game so the boys wanted to know if they check so I said go ask them.  They came back with a puck each and were not impressed that the girls do not check.  I told them that we wanted to keep all of our teeth and didn't want scars on our face.

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