Wednesday 28 September 2011

Odds and Ends

For the last couple days I have been corresponding with the school to get Dana exempt from french.  I was told that the sooner she gets out the better it will be.  Now I find out that the person who says ya or nay thinks that Dana will be fine because she has taken french for the last few years.  Oh the joys I am trying to get these people to realize that 5 or 10 years from now french is not going to help Dana with her life.  Hopefully we will not be here in 2 years.

I took these next two photo's while Paul and I were at the Harvest Jazz and Blues.  I love the old building downtown.

A couple of days ago I tried to do a topknot in Gabby's hair.  It is almost long enough, it was fun to do.  She was not sure about it though and Sasha had to sniff her head too.

Paul's cabinet is coming along.  It is just too bad that he can't work on it all day long.  He keeps having to do other work so the cabinet does not get worked on so then he stays after work for a while to get some things done on it.

Sasha is such a good dog she will be eating and Gabby will sit beside her and the food bowl and then Sasha will back up and let Gabby eat out of her bowl.

Nick was holding his hamster Bear and Sasha had to come over and give him a sniff and a lick.  Sasha is so funny with the hamsters.

hi (from Nick)

Nick was standing behind my and I said I do not know what I was going to say next and Nick said I do.  So he wrote Hi.

I had so much fun making the card kits, then of course I took pictures so I wouldn't forget what I did.

Monday 26 September 2011

The Fence

The Fence, what do I say?  For 3 years we have been off and on having the fight about it with the neighbours.  When we moved here 5 years ago our nice, wonderful, awesome miss them like crazy neighbours Janet and Dave lived next to us.  They put up the fence and when Dave retired we just kept the fence and left it where it was.  A few months later the not so nice neighbours moved in. We had a word or two about the fence it should be right down the middle between the two yards but unfortunately the electrical boxes and such are right in the middle so the fence has to be on one side or the other.  The husband has always said he does not want the fence moved it is fine the way it is but the wife wants it moved. 

When we had the last big rain storm and had no power for almost 24 hours her side of the house leaked and now as a result (there is more to it) she is saying that her side is not safe to live in and has moved to a emergency housing (thank heavens no more dogs barking for hours and hours and doors slamming) but the big wigs from the base came and didn't like the fence (I am sure she took pleasure in saying something about it) so we got a notice in our mail box to move it.  Also I got a nasty message from the wife and she called my fence hideous.  I know that it is not fabulous but I am not wasting money on a stupid fence, you can not take it with you when you move and no body will buy it for the money that you paid so why spend money on a fence?  Not me.   My friend who just moved when they put there fence in it cost them $500 when they got posted they tried to sell it but nobody would buy it they had to give it away.

So Friday Dex and I went out and got the dog house and swing out of the way so we could start taking it down to move the "hideous" fence.

Friday we got the string tied off to where the fence should go then the mosquito's got bad and it got dark.  Saturday Dex and I went out about 8:30 to start taking down the fence we got a good start then Paul came out and helped us with the screws that we could not get out.  Paul and Nick had to leave for hockey around 11:30 so then it was just Dex and I.  Nick, Dana, Sasha and Gabby had fun playing in the dirt.  As you can see it has and was raining.

Dex and I figured out the best way for us to do the fence and worked steady.  After getting in a few posts we took a 20 minute break for something to eat and give the dogs a bath they were both so dirty.

Friday night I checked the weather and it said that it was going to be a nice day.  Well it rained almost the whole day just a light rain and about 5:00pm the sun came out so we were able to dry off.  It was still fun, Dex did a good job helping me and we worked good together.  This is what Dex and I got done while Paul and Nick were gone to hockey.  I was quite proud of Dex and I for all that we got accomplished, we had never built a fence before just the two of us.  Sure we had helped when we put up our other fence but we were on our own now.  We did awesome.

This is the neighbours side you can see the electrical boxes and pipes, we moved the fence over just under 3 feet.  This is our side.

When Paul came out to help we were just getting ready to pound the next spike in the ground.  When we got to the second to last spike we had some fun trying to get it in so we used the little shovel, we found rocks you would expect rocks but not broken glass and concrete.  So we decided that we would bring the fence in more to our yard.  We had spent an hour on the stupid hole so we were all happy that when we moved it in the spike went right down.  Yippee.  We were almost finished.

After hockey practice Nick had a shower then he came out and I told him that he had to watch Sasha and Gabby so they would not get all dirty again.

The fence is finished what a day.  Paul and I went along the fence and screwed pieces along the bottom just to make sure that Gabby could not get out.  Dex jumped in the shower and Paul and I put all the tools away.  I got out the leftovers for supper and then swept the floor, and while I was in the shower Nick mopped the floor, that night was hockey so Paul and Nick watched that Dex, Dana and I watched Ever After in my room.  Then at 1:30am the phone rang and Paul had to go into work till 4:30am because of a security breach.  So this is Paul Sunday afternoon.

Friday 23 September 2011

Dana's ankle, cars, Dex's fire trick and a rat

Wednesday morning on the way to school Dana had a bike accident and twisted her ankle she called me when she got to school she said she fine and that it did not hurt too bad.  She said she was fine to stay at school.  I told her if it hurt more to call home and I would come get her.  Fast forward to the end of the day.  The school calls and it is her teacher and she tells me her ankle is swollen and that she needs to be picked up I said I do not have the van and she said she said send a cab.  I could not get a hold of Paul so Dex and I walk to her school.  As soon as I saw her I could tell which foot it was.  Boy was it swollen.  Poor girl so we had Dana get on her bike and Dex and I pushed her home.  We got her home and she said down with her foot elevated with a ice pack.  You really can not tell how swollen her ankle is in the picture.

Dex also had another car today in shop class.

The other day Dex asked if Nick was in the house and I said no he was off playing.  So he said I have a cool trick to show you.  He light the lighter and the sprayed the lighter fluid.  Cool but dangerous.  Dexter loves fire.  Thank goodness Nick was gone I told him not to show Nick ever.

This morning when Paul got home from PT and we were heading out to go to school the lady across the street yelled over for Paul and asked if this thing on her step was a rat.  So we went over and sure enough it was a rat.  I go home to grab a box and the pet carrier and broom and Paul and I get the rat in the pet carrier.  The kids were all excited and of course Nick wanted to keep it for a pet. NOT.  So very fun times before school started.  The kids were late but they all said it was fun to see the rat.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Harvest Jazz and Blues.

Harvest Jazz and Blues was so awesome.  Paul and I went in to town and had to pick up a couple things then we headed downtown.  We parked a few blocks away and started walking.  There were lots of people and the music was awesome.  We did not buy any tickets but the bands in the tents were loud enough you could hear them fine.  At Barracks square you could even see them playing.

I love the old building that are downtown.  They have so much character.  A couple of kids were painting this picture with just spray paint, so on the way down I took a picture and then coming back I took another because they were still working on it.

During the Harvest Jazz and Blues the city blocks off a few streets which is a great idea because there are so many people out and about.  On the street was some drawings, I think with chalk.  They were so detailed too.  Very cool.

This next photo is another graffiti wall art done with spray paint that was done the night before.

All along the streets were groups or single people playing music and there were booths of enter to draw stuff, one was a super cool Harley Davidson motorcycle and there were street performers.  This kid was from Niagara Falls (Canada).  He was funny and had a really good show.

There were also fire dancers so I am so glad that we did not take Nick, or the fire crap would be starting all over again with him.

Here is that same wall heart that we saw before with the spray paint.

Paul and I had such a fun time walking around listening to the music and seeing all the artwork done with spray paint and seeing the street performers.  It was a very fun night out and can not wait till next year to do it again.

Monday 19 September 2011

Family Fun Day

Paul's work had their family fun Day.  We took Nick and Brody, Rebecca was over playing with Dana and Dex didn't want to go.  It was a nice day for it.  First we played a bit of basketball then Brody and Nick ran a lap.

Next we went outside and checked out the T-Lav and the trucks.

Nick wanted fire some missiles so Paul said what does this say?
No ammo so there would be no firing missiles.  Nick wanted to blow something up he thought that would be really cool.  Sure it would but not where you were sitting surrounded by vehicles and the base gym. 

Nick, Brody, Paul and I all went for a T-Lav ride, it was fun we got to stand up and look out.  We drove around the base, Nick and Brody went for 4 rides during the day.  They loved it and during one of the rides they got to wear the head set and told the driver to go faster.

Next was the obstacle course which is always a favorite with the kids.

The boys even went for a pony ride.  It was a fun day for them, they both were wet from top to bottom from the water guns.  They had a blast which was good, too bad they were not tired at the end though.