Tuesday 19 July 2011

Thunder, lightning, and humidity

Oh my word, yesterday was so hot and humid I was praying for SNOW, yes I know snow.  At 9:00am I knew that it was going to be bad.  Around 5-5:30am I woke up to thunder and lightning and man was it loud, then it started to pour, I got up to check on the windows and kids and Dana was up and so was Nick (Dex slept through it) and then it got humid.  So I decided that since I was sweating all over without doing anything I would go down to the basement and clean.  I love having a basement but man what is with these people I live with and them making a mess down there, it is not me that makes the mess but it is me that cleans it.  But no more if anything is left out I am going to throw it in a garbage bag and if it is not missed it will go in the trash.  Ha that will fix them.

I finally got a picture of Dex after work.

Dex works at camp Argonaut in the kitchen for the cadets who are on Summer camp.  He works in the dish pit, getting food out, cleaning up and what ever else they want him to do.  He likes it and comes home dirty and wet. (And hungry even though he can eat there by the time they are finished cleaning up he is hungry again.) They usually have a water fight.  He likes most of the kids he works with.  I just wish it was everyday all day like a summer job is suppose to be like.  Oh well it is better than nothing and who knows maybe as the summer goes on kids will leave and he can get more shifts.

The other day I mentioned about Nick cooking supper, well I had the pictures on my computer so here we go.  Nick cut the bologna all by himself and while it was frying he..

He cracked the eggs to cook.

Checking the baloney and flipping them over.

Cutting the pickles.  I didn't get a picture of the rest of the meal but he made sandwiches with English muffins.  So he toasted the English muffins put a slice of baloney, cheese and pickle and there was Nick's supper.  It sure was good and he did an awesome job cooking supper.  He asked me the other day if he could cook supper again too.

Here is Gabby chewing on a bone the thing is almost as big as she is.  I think she thought if she was in there than Sasha couldn't get it.

These pictures were taken when the Olympic torch came through town, we all got to go see the torch and have a fun day in activities, then Nick got to hold the real torch when Leroy Washburn came to his school.  It was a great experience.  We also had lots of fun watching the Olympics when it was on TV.

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