Tuesday 12 July 2011

Hot Hot Hot

Today has been so hot and humid 37 humidity today YUCK.  I really hate sweat  running down all over not a good feeling at all.  I put clothes in the washer and then hung them out and while I was doing that I was sweating all over and then helping Dex move stuff in the back yard to mow sweat all over.  You know until you live in a place that has humidity you really have no idea how yucky it feels.  And at night it never cools down to cool the house down either.

Enough about that.  Dana got a phone call yesterday from a friend from school to hang out so Rebbecca comes over they play in Dana's room, go in the pool walk to the park, go to Rebecca's house then walk back here and go back in the pool.  Rebbecca stays for a sleep over much to Dana's happiness.  She does not have friends that play well she did but they have all moved away. 

This is Dana and Rebbecca on the last day of school.  Dana was excited to have a friend over and I was happy for her.  Rebbecca is an OK kid but after a while she needs to go home.  Last night at 10:00 she wanted chips and dip, not happening here kid.  They played and listened to music and stayed up late.  I think our thunder and lightning storm helped with that though.  On Dana's door this morning was a note saying that they had been up till 2:30am and to let them sleep in please and thank you from Rebbecca and Dana.  Cute I put the note in my scrap room to use on a page about Dana.

These are some of my flowers in my front yard.  I just love them, they make me smile when ever I see them and I am proud of myself that they are still alive, I do not have a green thumb at all.  When Dana first went into grade 3 at Hubbard they have a grow room there and Dana was bringing all sort of plants home so I had to learn how to keep them alive because she would get upset if they died.  Now through grade 3 to grade 6 we have many plants in the house and now have plants/flowers outside.  Dana is the one with the green thumb, she LOVES to play in the dirt and give the plants a new home when they have outgrown there old one.  At one time we had 21 spider plants alone.  Dana decided that she could give some away so we were down to 5 thank heavens but then the next week when we were watering them Dana took off all the babies so there is about 20  more sitting in cups of water in the sun ready to be planted. And it all started with just one plant.   It is a good feeling and looks good to have plants around the house.

This is what poor Gabby looked like after I was finished brushing Sasha, wow I could not believe all the hair that came off still.  German Shepard's shed a lot it is unbelievable.  Sasha likes to be brushed so that is a bonus for me makes it easier that is for sure.

I need to get some pictures of Dexter he really does not do anything like the younger kids do so I don't think to take a picture of him.  I should have taken a picture of him while he was mowing the lawn today, oh well next time I guess.

While I was checking out a favorite scrap booking blog (Becky Higgins) she had posted about how she loves going to Elizabeth Dillow's blog so I went and checked it out, and it didn't take long of reading to figure out that Elizabeth is an army wife also, it was exciting to read about her life (only a few blog entries) for me to change my outlook on a few things.  If she can do it then you know what?  So can I.   So can I.

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