Monday 11 July 2011

Hot summer days

Wow some hot days around here.    Thank goodness for the pool and fans.  Nicks skate camp was so much fun.  He won a t-shirt, stickers, sunglasses and skate shoes.  He was excited about the shoes most of all.

Nick is the one that is going down the ramp and Brody is standing on the top of the ramp.

Nick and Brody, the look on Nick's face says "stop taking pictures of me"  He is wearing his new skate shoes too.  I hope that they decide to do another skate camp.  It was good for the two of them and it gave them something to do.

This picture does not really show his bruise that he got one day.  He kept falling on his elbow and by the time he got home it was turning black and blue and swelling up.

I made this card and I wanted to try a new product that I got from Home Depot.   The flowers are made with aluminum flashing and my big shot.  Paul and I cut the sheet (12x24) apart into smaller pieces making easier to work with.  It is very sharp so after putting it through the big shot I had to be careful pulling it apart.  Then the second flower I put in an embossing folder to give it dimension.  It is cool and I like how it turned out.  Now Paul's tin snips are in my tools drawer.

Dana was so excited to see if Gabby could swim by herself, and yes she can swim from one end of the pool to the other, she is so cute swimming.
Too cute Dana and Gabby for a swim.

The kids in the pool, it is hard to get a picture of them playing every time I get my camera out they dive under the water.  Nick, Dana and Brody.

Some how when they were done swimming the boys talked Dana into rubbing there feet (at least they were now clean) I wanted to get a picture but every time they would duck or hide there faces so I took this one from the window but Dana saw me and was saying enough of taking pictures.  I love it.

On saturday I was trying to figure out how to move some things around in my scrap book room and Paul came in to see what I was doing and I told him my dilemma and he had a brilliant idea.

Paul put little eye hooks on the side of the tall desk.  I love it such a good idea, still easy to get to and to see.  We asked Dex first because he made the desk and he said ya go ahead.  I was excited because I used to have them on the wall with string and elastic bands which was a pain because they were up sort of high and if I had to add some ribbon I would end up loosing the spools all over the place.  This was much much better.

Here is a close up shot of my new ribbons home.  So much better and easier to access. 

This is what the wall looks like now.  The blue shelf I got years and years ago from my Aunt Karen it is perfect for my stamps that now come in DVD cases.  I love it my scrap room makes me so happy.

Dexter had a good time on Saturday at work.  He likes it and the kids he works with so that was good.  He got to eat and had a water fight so he was happy.  On the way home from dropping him off I saw a skunk running along the trees, it did not spray so I was happy too.

Today at work Paul gets to build a counter so we loaded up his tools so he should have a good day too.  I want him to take his camera to take pictures of how it looks. 

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