Thursday 28 July 2011

Rainy day, then Hot, and driveway cleaned

Yesterday was such a nice cool day, it rained pretty much all day and was cool so nice for a change.  Dana and I took Gabby to get her shots in the morning and when we got home the power was out.  It just went out as we were driving into the driveway, that is what Nick said.  Great news, this is the 5th time the power has gone in the last two months and it was out last wed also.  It came back on in a couple of hours though. 

Today was sunny and hot but no humidex so it was perfect.  Just before lunch Paul called to say that Sudbury towing was coming for the truck.  I was shocked that fast? He said that they could be there in 5 min or 5 hours.  Great I love that when they say that.   So I went out to move the hockey net, little basketball hoop and tell Dana to get Dex and get my camera and take a picture and the tow truck was coming up the road.  Great I still had to move the big (heavy) basketball hoop so I yelled at Dex to hurry up and we were moving it while the guy was backing up the truck.

Paul has wanted to fix up this truck for a while but never had the time or extra money and a week ago we got a notice in the mailbox that our driveway was getting re-done.  Our driveway does not need to be re-done it is just another way that housing (military base/government) wastes money, they should be fixing the sidewalks that you could break your leg by just walking on it and not paying attention, but no they are going to re-pave driveways instead.  So bye bye white truck, I will miss seeing you in the driveway.  But on the bright side our driveway is longer and more room for Nick to play hockey and basketball on.

There was a lot of water in the back when the truck got loaded on.

Dana and Nick watched as the truck got loaded up and were sad that it was going, they had fun playing in there and Nick loved to open the hood and "fix" the truck with his tools.

And there it goes.  A sad sad day for Paul.  I am sad for him too.

Yesterday while the power was out and we were trying to amuse our selves Dana thought it would be fun to dress up Sasha.  I do not think that Sasha liked it too much though.

Yesterday when it was raining and was not stopping the dogs decided that they could go out and the rain would not hurt them.  Sasha would go out and go under the gazebo but Gabby would stand on the step.  Sasha went out and Gabby followed, Sasha only got her  paws wet but Gabby being so much smaller got her whole underside all wet.

Here they come from wading in the puddle, the same puddle that Dana was jumping in the other day too.  This is Gabby when she came in the house she is wet and Sasha just her paws.

Today the Ferguson were getting all packed up.  So Dana, Sasha, Gabby and I headed for a walk to say goodbye.  Dana and Heather hung out a bit and Casey and I went to club together.  They are being posted to Edmonton.  We walked over and Dana was sad because Heather was not there she was at the hotel.  Sasha and Dakota had fun playing together though.  Dakota was not sure about Gabby he kept sniffing her and then walking away.

Casey is holding Gabby so she would stay by the other two.

Paul took Nick to the skate park, I think Nick wanted to show him what he could do.

Here are my flowers outside.  They are blossoming beautifully.

That is about it for today not much else going on.  Oh the other day Dana and I counted up all the scrapbook pages that I have done but I still have the ones from upstairs to count up it will be fun to see how many pages I have done.  I will post that another day.

Here is our driveway now.  I guess over the next couple of weeks I will have more pictures of the new driveway although it will take them weeks and we will be in a mess because they are so slow doing anything around here.

1 comment:

  1. It’s good to know you were planning to work on your driveway. Honestly, it did look like it needed a little tending. Hopefully, that project went well for you. It’s been a while since you last posted anything. I hope to hear from you soon!

    German Zollinger @ Total Clean Equipment
