Wednesday 6 July 2011

Skate camp and swimming

Nick and his friend Brody have enjoyed the skate camp.  They come home TIRED and I love it because they are too tired to say I am bored.  Yesterday (tuesday) when Nick got home he was so tired that he didn't even want to go to hockey which was a shock.  But we said you have to go, you might be the only goalie there.  He also had a wicked bruise on his elbow.  Once we got there and he was all dressed he was good to go but man he was tired.  We got home and the boys jumped in the pool and cooled off. 

Nick trying out the ramps.  Dana is in the back ground with the red helmet.

Nick and his friend Brody talking about what they are going to do.  They started playing follow the leader it was fun to watch them do the ramps and go around on the skate boards.

Nick, Brody and Dana.  I took them to the skate park one day and we were there for hours.  The kids had fun, and it was fun watching them skate around.

My Dana girl, she does not "do" skate boards but she can go super fast on her scooter.

Dana just said "was I born to be funny?"  What a girl, yes you are funny.  Her favorite thing to say after she has asked you a question and you have given her the answer is "aren't you shore?" Too funny makes me laugh all the time.  So now if I ask her something and she gives me the answer I say to her "aren't you sure?"  She gives me that look.  (which I need to get a picture of)

This is Nick's goalie award I finally remembered to get a close up of it.  Really nice he was so excited to get it he had no idea.  He worked so hard last year, he also had a really good coach too.

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