Thursday 21 July 2011

Hockey, power out, hot

Yesterday was another HOT hot day.  The bonus was that Nick had hockey, Yeah, I love hockey in the summer time going to the rink is soooo nice and cool.  When we got home the power was out again.  That is the 4th time in the last two months that the power was out when we got home from hockey.  It was out for about 3 hours this time.  I am glad that I had supper in the crock pot and it was still hot.  Nick's friend and a goalie also came over too.  They are so funny, when it was bed time I said to them good night kiddy's and Logan says we are not kitty's we are men.  Too funny.

Nick has made some wicked awesome saves he is a good goalie and has fun, Paul is the coach he does a good job with the kids, although he gets frustrated when he tells them to stick to there positions and they go off in the clouds as I call it.  One more game and summer hockey is finished.

I took Nick and his friend Chris to the skate park and put my camera on rapid shot to get these step by step pics of Nick.  He is amazing on the skate board I do not know how he stays on the thing without falling off.  His friend Chris spent most of his time on the ground and these next shots show Nick going over the same jump after Chris went over and then fell down and if you look close you can see that Nick is laughing while he is doing it.

Nick the skateboarder.  I took tons of pictures that day and the next time we go I am going to take the video camera.  I will save the rest of the pics and tricks he did for another day.

I forgot to mention the other day that last saturday and sunday were the only two days of the Calgary Stampede we could watch, we were not very happy about that at all.  We love to watch the stampede but for some reason this year it was not on any of the channels that we get except for sat and sun.  I did not know that the chuck wagons only have 2 outriders now instead of 4 and there was something else that we noticed but I can't remember right now.  Anyway we enjoyed watching it. 

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