Friday 29 July 2011

Good day and track and field pics

While I was getting supper I had a whole bunch of things going on in my head that I wanted to write about and now as I find a few minutes (Dex is finished work at 8:00pm) to write my mind is blank.   (I started this at 7:30pm and now it is 11:12pm) (no I have not been sitting here this whole time just to clearify)

While I was watering my flowers outside I noticed that this one finally had little flowers on it, so cute.

I also need to get to the dollar store and pick up some more small pots.  I have 3 cups full of little baby spider plants that are ready to be planted, a few weeks ago Dana picked off all the baby's and I am sure there are 20 little ones.  I like the spider plants they are good for the air so every room in the house will have some.  It will be a fun day playing in the dirt.

A couple of months ago my Mom sent me some pictures that she had already printed off so I am scrap booking them.  I had this page that I made a while ago but didn't really have any pictures that went with it but when I saw these pictures of my brothers kids I thought they would be perfect.  My Dad is playing with Jackson and Natalie and they are having fun.

 I think there was only a week or so left of school Nick got to go to track and field he got to do 12 different activities and he was excited that his friend Brody was there who goes to a different school.

Here is Nick and Brody

It was a super fun day and hot out.  Nick did awesome for track and field. 

Today I was working on a scrapbook page that I was making a mini fold out book but could not figure out a good way to close it so on my way to pick up Dex as I was driving 30mph it came to me how I could close it.  Oh how I love when I am stuck on something the answer will come while I am doing something else unrelated to scrap booking.  I am excited to finish the page now for I have been "stuck" on that part for a few days now.  So I will post the finished pages in a day or two.

Also I added up my scrapbook pages that I have completed, now I do not have the total amount of every single page I have done because I have made a missionary scrapbook for my brother, a wedding album for my brother, scrapbook for my Mother In Law,  mini scrapbooks for nieces and nephews, paper bag scrapbooks for Grandma, Mom and Sister, plus when my sister and I meet up in Toronto to see Tina Turner (so awesome) and Niagara Falls I made a scrapbook for her, so the pages that I have done and are here at home the grand total is:  1311 pages.  When I was getting my paper I forgot 3 scrap books and between the three there was 94 pages.  Wow 1311 pages that is a lot.    There are 12x12, 8 1/2 x 11, 9x9 pages, the majority is the 8 1/2 x 11 but I have 402 12 x 12 pages done.  I have a bunch of pages that are on the go also, paper is picked, accents and pictures I just have to sit down and put them together, those I did not count.

I thought about adding up my cards also but that is just too much, I have given too many away but I will say that I have made hundreds of cards and will probably make hundreds more.  Cards are super fun to make.  This is my latest creation, I love the flower die it is from Sizzix.

Thursday 28 July 2011

Rainy day, then Hot, and driveway cleaned

Yesterday was such a nice cool day, it rained pretty much all day and was cool so nice for a change.  Dana and I took Gabby to get her shots in the morning and when we got home the power was out.  It just went out as we were driving into the driveway, that is what Nick said.  Great news, this is the 5th time the power has gone in the last two months and it was out last wed also.  It came back on in a couple of hours though. 

Today was sunny and hot but no humidex so it was perfect.  Just before lunch Paul called to say that Sudbury towing was coming for the truck.  I was shocked that fast? He said that they could be there in 5 min or 5 hours.  Great I love that when they say that.   So I went out to move the hockey net, little basketball hoop and tell Dana to get Dex and get my camera and take a picture and the tow truck was coming up the road.  Great I still had to move the big (heavy) basketball hoop so I yelled at Dex to hurry up and we were moving it while the guy was backing up the truck.

Paul has wanted to fix up this truck for a while but never had the time or extra money and a week ago we got a notice in the mailbox that our driveway was getting re-done.  Our driveway does not need to be re-done it is just another way that housing (military base/government) wastes money, they should be fixing the sidewalks that you could break your leg by just walking on it and not paying attention, but no they are going to re-pave driveways instead.  So bye bye white truck, I will miss seeing you in the driveway.  But on the bright side our driveway is longer and more room for Nick to play hockey and basketball on.

There was a lot of water in the back when the truck got loaded on.

Dana and Nick watched as the truck got loaded up and were sad that it was going, they had fun playing in there and Nick loved to open the hood and "fix" the truck with his tools.

And there it goes.  A sad sad day for Paul.  I am sad for him too.

Yesterday while the power was out and we were trying to amuse our selves Dana thought it would be fun to dress up Sasha.  I do not think that Sasha liked it too much though.

Yesterday when it was raining and was not stopping the dogs decided that they could go out and the rain would not hurt them.  Sasha would go out and go under the gazebo but Gabby would stand on the step.  Sasha went out and Gabby followed, Sasha only got her  paws wet but Gabby being so much smaller got her whole underside all wet.

Here they come from wading in the puddle, the same puddle that Dana was jumping in the other day too.  This is Gabby when she came in the house she is wet and Sasha just her paws.

Today the Ferguson were getting all packed up.  So Dana, Sasha, Gabby and I headed for a walk to say goodbye.  Dana and Heather hung out a bit and Casey and I went to club together.  They are being posted to Edmonton.  We walked over and Dana was sad because Heather was not there she was at the hotel.  Sasha and Dakota had fun playing together though.  Dakota was not sure about Gabby he kept sniffing her and then walking away.

Casey is holding Gabby so she would stay by the other two.

Paul took Nick to the skate park, I think Nick wanted to show him what he could do.

Here are my flowers outside.  They are blossoming beautifully.

That is about it for today not much else going on.  Oh the other day Dana and I counted up all the scrapbook pages that I have done but I still have the ones from upstairs to count up it will be fun to see how many pages I have done.  I will post that another day.

Here is our driveway now.  I guess over the next couple of weeks I will have more pictures of the new driveway although it will take them weeks and we will be in a mess because they are so slow doing anything around here.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Cooler days YEAH, rugby ball

The last couple of days have been so nice and much cooler, no humidity which makes a huge difference and cooler at nights.  The kids have been hanging out and for FHE Dana and I made Bear Paw cookies and we played games.

Gabby is almost 12 weeks old and goes for her shots tomorrow she is such a cute little thing but her barking is driving us all crazy.  I do not know what to do and very seriously considering a bark collar.  I do not like them but some times.

This is her new spot she likes to hang out in.  She drags her toys in and hides from Sasha.

A few weeks ago we got Dex a rugby ball and he has had fun teaching all of us the proper way to throw the ball.  He also loves to repeat the lines from the movie about rugby.  " Soccer is for kids, football is for wussies, and rugby is for men"  we all love Forever Strong it is a really good movie. 

Dex has wanted a rugby ball for months and months we wanted to get him one for Christmas but couldn't find one and we thought about saving it for this Christmas but decided that maybe if we gave it to him now he would join back up and play when school started.

Here is Dex, Dana and Dana's friend Rebecca out tossing the ball around.

Nick and Dex were outside tossing the rugby ball around for a while, then they stopped had a drink and Popsicle or two then went on tossing the ball around more.  It was fun to watch them having fun together.

One day Dex's friend Dylan came in to hang out and Dex bugged him to go outside and toss the ball around, finally  after 45 min he went out but not for very long.

Even Paul got into the rugby ball tossing.  It is fun to see the kids playing around with it and hopefully Dex will play this year.

Saturday 23 July 2011

ward party (pioneer)

On Saturday we went to the ward party and it was a lot of fun.  We meet some new people and had fun with the old ones.  We had a story about the pioneers and then divided into groups to go on a pioneer trek.  Here are some pictures of the fun.  Dana really got into the activity, it was fun to see her get involved in it.

Here we are getting our "wagon" all packed up.

Here is Dana collecting "Buffalo Chips" for the fire.

The men cutting wood.

My friend Aliss.

Dana is fishing for fish to eat.

Primary kids singing for us.

The little kid pools were supposed to be for the times they had to push or pull there wagons across streams mud puddles and dangerous places.

Our food stamps saying that we made it and could eat.  It was a very fun activity.  The kids had a good time and so did Paul and I.  Dex got right into the stick pull.