Thursday 2 June 2011

Is it Friday yet?

Oh what a last couple of days.  Thank goodness the sun was shinning, it makes the days so much better.  Zumba is great I love it, not sure about all the steps yet but I keep on moving.  It is funny how and when you have a great idea.  This morning while I was getting breakfast, making lunches, putting Sasha out and got an idea.  Dana has been riding her scooter to school which because of that she goes much faster than I do walking so she either turns around and comes back or she waits for me.  I speed walk thought I have always been a fast walker.  So I thought what if I put on my workout clothes and shoes and RUN?   Now I used to run all the time I was up to 10K when I ran but I have not ran in a year or so.  But it felt great I didn't run the whole way there and back but most of the way, then I walked around the block too.  Sasha did awesome running beside me her tongue hanging out, not only was I getting a good workout so was Sasha and she needs to keep active.  When we got home and got a drink we went outside and played ball for a bit too.  Then I cleaned up and showered.  I think if I run every other day for a bit then work up to everyday I should be fine.  Dana got to school sooner too.  Bonus for everybody.

I also checked out Mary's site to see if she had the discontinued list up and she did and I am very happy to say that there are no (maybe one or two) stamp sets that I want.  All the ribbon is going though so I need to get a few of them but that is it.  I am so happy about that usually there is so much going and it is so hard to decide what I REALLY want to get.  They are re-packaging the paper but it is staying YIPPEE!!

Dex is off to the dance, Nick is playing street hockey and Dana wants to play Mario Kart.  Fun times they think it is funny that I can drive a car but can not drive in the game.

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