Monday 30 May 2011

Good day, and I am ready for bed

Today was a good day, I got a lot done and now I am ready for bed and it is only 8:00pm.  Today the sun was shinning and beautiful out and man does it suck the life out of ya.  I got the kids to school and went for a walk,  Nick was happy because I made french toast for breakfast and the kids drank all the white milk so I used chocolate milk.  I didn't notice a difference tasted good to me.  I did Zumba again today fun fun fun then went down stairs and cleaned a bit.  I love/hate the basement, I am glad to have one but it seems that it is never clean.  I got laundry hung on the line and went and worked in my scrap room.  I got a couple of pages done and a couple of cards decided.   When I went and got the kids I took Sasha's brushes again and combed her fur again.  Wow how much is she going to loose.  After cleaning up supper and doing the dishes I put away three baskets of laundry, well I sorted them out and told the kids to put them away in their dressers.  All but Paul got his put away he will do his when he is getting into bed.  It is a good feeling when the clothes are put away, until the next day when there is clothes in the hamper again. 

I love the lattice sizzix die, there is so much you can do with them.  I got this idea from Mary Fish but changed a few things to fit what I had.  A new thing I love is Glimmer Mist, it is a super fun way to add a bit to a page or card.  Love them.

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