Tuesday 24 May 2011

Zumba Wow!

Wow Zumba was awesome I had a great time and it was such a good work out.  It took me a few minutes to figure out the beginning on the Wii (main Menu is where it is all at) but once I got going wow.  20 minutes gave my whole body a workout.  I can not wait to do it again.  I would not go do it in front of anyone but in my own living room with the curtains closed bring it on.  I now can see why Jodi loves it. 

The kids didn't do too bad getting up this morning the boys were up and ready to go just after 8:00am and Paul got a ride thank goodness because it was pouring rain and windy and Dexter had his project to get to school.  It would not have survived the walk.  Dana's sewing project is almost done I am so proud of her, she is sewing "Stanley" a stuffed dog.  She has got all the pieces sewed together and now has to sew the pieces to his body.  I need to find some fun little projects for her for the summer, she loves to sew (does not get that from me I hate sewing I find it very frustrating, my Grandma is an awesome sewer, I would much rather scrapbook) 

On Saturday when we were in town after we were done window shopping (hockey gear) we were waiting for our pizza and Paul and Nick were talking about hockey gear and how long it lasts  and Nick said well my hockey helmet I can just digest it.  Digest it?  He was a very hungry boy had food on his mind.  He said adjust it I mean.   I said I am going to write that down so I get out my pad of paper to write it down (Nick is saying no don't write it down) and I find another funny thing he said.  Back in October 2009 we were going into Home Depot and Nick holds up his hand and says "wait, manly things you can't handle manly things in here"  funny boy.

I got a new laptop for Christmas and I love it but it has been frustrating getting used to it.  Typing on it causes me frustration I will be typing away and then all of a sudden what I have typed is gone or I am on a new page.  I do NOT know how I do that.  I can type not a problem but for some reason on the laptop and I have troubles.  Also today was a nice day I have let go of a couple of games I used to play that were taking up a lot of my time a couple of days ago I could not get on so I tried later and still could not get on.  The next day I couldn't still and so I decided that it was a sign to get off and do something that will help me be a better person.  Goodbye Farmille and Frontier Ville.  I have my life back.  YIPPEE!!  I worked out today, cleaned a bit, did hot lunch at Nick's school and organized in my scrap room - a super day. 

I made this card I got the idea from Mary Fish, I love her blog she has some awesome card ideas. 

Here's looking forward to another awesome day tomorrow.  I have a list of things I want to do.  One of them is saying goodbye to gray hair.

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