Sunday 29 May 2011

Zumba, Hot Lunch, cleaning and scrapbooking

Wow things have been busy.  Thursday was Zumba, man that is so much fun I love it I need to figure something out for the weekend though so I can still do it.  I got clothes washed and hung out on the line I love hanging clothes out.  The last couple of days were so nice and sunny then of course it had to rain again.  I also started on a couple of layouts and got some done and my stack of pages I put in the albums that is always nice to put a bunch of layouts in albums.

Friday was hot lunch then Nick was home at noon and Brody called and he came over then the two of them played then it was time to go get Dana from school and as I am waiting for Dana the two boys start singing a song. "do your boobs hang low do they wobble to and fro?"  I said um the song is about your ears not boobs.  They thought there way was better.  Dang that Brody.  When we got home they all decided to ride bikes and Dana went on her scooter at first I was just looking out the window then I decided that I had better be outside so I took my camera and took some pictures.  They had the big jump that Paul made last year and two little ones they were at the side with plenty of room for cars to go by but after a bit this white car goes by who was not paying attention and had to swerve then he was mad and him and his female passenger put up there middle fingers and I yelled same to you.  A guy was on his bike and he chased after them and came back with the plate # and as we were talking the guy comes back in his car.  Oh he was in my face so I got in his and told him that when kids were out he should slow down and putting up his middle finger was childish and dumb.  He said that his girlfriend said that I did it first so then she did.  I said I do not put my middle finger and my kid is out here I wouldn't be so stupid or childish.  The guy on the bike said are you going to say your sorry or what?  So he said ya sorry.  I said just slow down when you see kids you never know where or what they are going to do.  He left.  Some people are so stupid and many other things. 

I need to make some younger boy birthday cards.  That is my plan this week.  At club a few months ago we learned how to use ink and glossy paper and a brayer to make cool accents so this is my version.  I love this stamp set too.  I think I made 5-6 different cards and colors and designs with the set.  It is called day of gratitude.  (stampin up)

Saturday was busy with cleaning and regular stuff but I also got my deep freeze cleaned out for the Mulder meat sale.  Paul and I go and wait in line for a couple of hours and then go into the big freezer and get discounted meat.  We usually get enough or pretty close to getting enough to last till the next one.  They have two a year one in May and then in Nov.  Standing outside in May is fine and pretty nice but the one in Nov is really cold but each year I get smarter.  Last year I was all bundled up plus I took my fleece blanket to wrap up in.  The only thing that got cold was my feet.  Next year I am going to get some of those feet warmers too.  This year Paul and I took our folding chairs to sit in while we waited and that was nice our feet and legs were not tired by the end. 

Another page I got done.  Well this week will be trying to get kids in bed on time, working out, scrap booking, cleaning and the usual stuff I do in a week.

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