Tuesday 21 June 2011

Stanley is finished and School is almost done

Dana was so excited when I came to school (she was getting an award) she had finished Stanley and was so happy.  She also got an award for working hard and being a good student.  Way to go Dana she works so hard in school.  She also got a subway gift card.

It is hard to get her to "look" at you when you take her picture.

Dana's teacher is wearing the white shirt and the principal is wearing the black/white one.  Dana's teacher taught Nick last year in grade 3 so I was happy when Dana got put in Ms. Charlton's class.  It has been a good year for her she has really grown up.  So proud of her.

Dana and Stanley in her class.

Stanley is much bigger than I thought he would be.  Dana worked hard on him and loved stitching on him.  She got to cut out all the pieces then started to stitch them together.  For the first few months Stanley stayed at school and Dana was only able to work on him there.  Then just after school her sewing teacher asked if she could bring him home and work on him because she didn't think that Dana would get him finished before school was done.  She is a very careful and precise stitcher.  Towards the end I asked her if I could help but she would not let me she said it was her project and she was going to do it.  She did so good and her sewing teacher was so proud of her (she told me that she was not sure if Dana could get the hang of it or not but after a couple of classes she picked it up and away she went.)  AWESOME JOB DANA

Good news also last night Dexter got a phone call about a job that he applied for.  He can start on July 5.  YIPPEE I am so happy, happy for him and happy for me.

With the sunny and rainy days my flowers are blooming they look so pretty in the front yard.  I will have to take a picture of all of them in one photo to see all the colors.  I love seeing them when I come home.

Dana had a wonderful time on her field trip, she loved the water and the waves, said the bus ride was fun and can not wait to go again.

Nick's field trip is tomorrow so I had better go get some water in the freezer for him, is supposed to be a nice day, perfect for playing in the water too.

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