Tuesday 28 June 2011

summer holidays begin

Summer holidays are here what fun.  Sunday night I was asking them what they wanted in there lunches for school and for a minute or two they were thinking about school.  Then the kids were there is no school.  All day long Friday I had the song "school's out for summer" by Alice Cooper so I had to play it.

Yesterday Nick, Dana and the neighbour kids had a baseball game going on by the acorn tree it was fun to watch them play.  There was about 8 kids playing.  Then of course they wanted freezes.  They played again today, I hope they play all summer long.  Even Dana was playing.

I got my plants moved around for the summer which is always fun to figure out where is the best place for them to go.  Dana had 22 spider plants and she/I gave 16 to Shirley and the rest I put together in a bigger planter.  But Dana snipped off all the babies on all three plants so in another couple of week I am going to at least 16 more plants.  I decided that I am going to put a couple together so that the plants are full.

I love this yogurt it has a touch of honey and it is good.  It is very thick so I mix it with other yogurt and it is a very yummy snack.  There is Greek yogurt without the honey also.

The other night Nick and Sasha were playing hockey which is funny to watch them play together and they both got a penalty so they both went into the kennel for two minutes.  Nick hits the ball and Sasha goes after it then Nick gets the ball again and hits it and around and around it goes.

The other night I called Dana for supper and she was not coming so I went and looked for her and she said that Stanley was going to read a book while we were having supper and then she took this picture.  Funny girl.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Last day of school

The kids were so excited for school to end.  By the end of the year they need a break.  I try and make the teachers something at the end of the year and usually Dana and Nick help make it.  Last year we made pretzel hugs, a huge hit (but cost me about $50 to make) so this year I didn't want to "buy" anything.  So a few days before school ended I was talking to my sister in law Jodi and while we were talking about teacher gifts if hit me that I had seen this cool idea.  I was so excited because I had everything to make them.  It only took me a day and half and they were finished. 

I got the idea from a scrapbooking site, mine is a bit different because I didn't have the same flower punch but I thought they turned out cute.  Here is a close up. 

I made 17 of them and was pretty happy with the way they turned out.  I put 24 white pieces of paper in the middle.  Thursday I wanted Dana and Nick to pick which ones they wanted for their teachers and Nick had a fit he did not want any for any of his teachers, he said none of them are going to give me anything why should I give them something.  So I explaned about giving is more important than getting and his teachers work hard all year long for him.  But in the end he would only give one to his teacher and Karla (the TA in the classroom)  So I wrote a thank you to his principal and gave her one and Dana took some so I have some left over. 

Nick, Karla and Emma.

Dylan and Nick. 

Dana and Ms. Charlton

Dana, Rebbeccalyn, Kira.

SCHOOL IS DONE FOR THE YEAR!  So proud of my kids they all did great in school, worked hard and are moving on to the next grade.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Stanley is finished and School is almost done

Dana was so excited when I came to school (she was getting an award) she had finished Stanley and was so happy.  She also got an award for working hard and being a good student.  Way to go Dana she works so hard in school.  She also got a subway gift card.

It is hard to get her to "look" at you when you take her picture.

Dana's teacher is wearing the white shirt and the principal is wearing the black/white one.  Dana's teacher taught Nick last year in grade 3 so I was happy when Dana got put in Ms. Charlton's class.  It has been a good year for her she has really grown up.  So proud of her.

Dana and Stanley in her class.

Stanley is much bigger than I thought he would be.  Dana worked hard on him and loved stitching on him.  She got to cut out all the pieces then started to stitch them together.  For the first few months Stanley stayed at school and Dana was only able to work on him there.  Then just after school her sewing teacher asked if she could bring him home and work on him because she didn't think that Dana would get him finished before school was done.  She is a very careful and precise stitcher.  Towards the end I asked her if I could help but she would not let me she said it was her project and she was going to do it.  She did so good and her sewing teacher was so proud of her (she told me that she was not sure if Dana could get the hang of it or not but after a couple of classes she picked it up and away she went.)  AWESOME JOB DANA

Good news also last night Dexter got a phone call about a job that he applied for.  He can start on July 5.  YIPPEE I am so happy, happy for him and happy for me.

With the sunny and rainy days my flowers are blooming they look so pretty in the front yard.  I will have to take a picture of all of them in one photo to see all the colors.  I love seeing them when I come home.

Dana had a wonderful time on her field trip, she loved the water and the waves, said the bus ride was fun and can not wait to go again.

Nick's field trip is tomorrow so I had better go get some water in the freezer for him, is supposed to be a nice day, perfect for playing in the water too.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Tired, but lots done

This week has been so crazy, Tuesday I woke up thinking/feeling that is was Thursday which is weird because I do hot lunch on Tuesday and still did hot lunch but all week I felt that it is Friday the very next day and now that it is here I do not know what day it feels like.  Man I hate that.

Nick was supposed to have a field trip but it got postponed due to rainy weather so now he is going on Monday, he is super excited about it.  Dana is going on hers on Tuesday.  Dexter is now finished his exams.

Here is our little Gabby at 3 weeks.  We went to see her about 4 times before we brought her home.

She is so small and cute.

Tonight Nick had another hockey game and they played the same team we played on Thursday.  Nick was not too happy about it but tonight went better we still lost but our team played better and got 3 goals.  The score was 9-3 and last time it was 15-0.  Not good his team played better and they should be happy because that team is stacked with AAA players on the team and we only have 1 to there 6. 

Nick's new blocker and trapper, he loves them I am surprised he does not sleep with them.  Ha Ha.

This is Dana's Stanley she has sewed in school.  She had to cut it out and sew all the pieces together and now she is ready to stuff him and then sew him closed she is so excited about and I am so proud of her she had never sewed anything before and really loves to sew.  She gets to finish him tomorrow at school and can not wait.  (Sorry about the picture I missed turning it before I uploaded my photo's) 

This is a page I did with photo's from the last July 1st before we moved.  What a fun day it was together with family and having a good time.  The kids loved playing, we ate good food, saw the fireworks, and just hung out together.  Good times.

Monday 13 June 2011

Busy weekend Busy day

What a busy weekend, the sun was shinning so that was good and made me happy.  Thursday Nick had track and field what a super nice day, I made sure the kids had sun screen and bug spray on but did not for me so when the day was over I was a bit red on my arms and legs.  Nick did really good got 2nd and 3rd place in running, for the rest I do not know how they worked that out I am thinking the rest was just for fun.  Which is good things need to be just for fun sometimes.  Friday was the last day for hot lunch and we had decided to bring a something to eat.  I made brownies (for some reason it feels like I have written this already) we had  a good time eating and talking and mostly laughing.

Nick got the lawn mowed and then headed off camping with his friend and Dex was gone so it was just Dana home.  We went and picked up Gabby around 7:30pm she had grown but was still so tiny.  She is only 5 weeks old.  What a fun night that was we had Gabby, Sasha both in bed with us.  Usually Sasha sleeps on the floor but no she had to be right by Gabby. 

Saturday we went to Pawsitive rewards to get her a collar and name made up and a couple of toys just for her (small ones). 

I also had club so much fun we made 2 cards and a double page scrapbook page.  I need to upload my photo's so I can put them on here.

This was one of the cards I made last month at club.  Simple but nice.

When I was doing laundry these are the treasures I pulled out of Nick's pocket.  What a funny boy and what a variety too.  He is collecting bottle caps and likes it when he finds the hockey ones.

I am going to get my pictures done tomorrow then I can have current pictures to show.  The hockey game has started and Vancouver is going to win the Cup.  GO CANUCKS GO

Mary Fish's scrapbook room is looking so good.  I love her DVD shelf.  I wish there was an Ikea here. 

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Good, busy, hot day

Today was a good day, better than yesterday STRESSFUL.  Today was Nick's track and field so after I got Dana and Sasha for a walk well Dana to school I got stuff together and headed down to the track field.  It was fun to cheer on the kids and make sure they had fun and drank plenty of water.  I made sure that Nick had bug spray on and sun tan lotion but did not for me so now at the end of the day my arms and legs are red.  My arms feel like they are on fire.  Sad thing is, it won't turn into a tan it will fade to nothing.  I have never been able to tan.  Just get red.

Nick did awesome at all the events long jump, running jump, ball throw, Frisbee toss, ring toss, running, hurdles, soccer kick, and one more I can't remember.  Good times.  He got 2 and then 3rd in the running finals.  And the rest of the activities were just for fun, they wrote down what they got but didn't do first or second or third.  Maybe tomorrow he will get a ribbon or something I don't know.  It was a perfect day though.  Nice breeze and when you were in the shade it was perfect.  We got to sit in the shade to eat our lunch but the rest of the time we were walking on the field in the sun.

Dexter thinks he did good on his project about the ice road.  I guess there was only three of them who were ready so they went first and the rest of the class were not ready or didn't want to do it so they have to write the test now and the other three do not have to so that is good for Dexter because he said that her tests are really hard. 

Dana is excited because tomorrow she has sewing and gets to work on Stanley.  She is just about finished. YIPPEE

I am going to go relax and put more lotion on my arms and drink some more water.  Walking all over the place in the sun all day sure does make you tired.

Monday 6 June 2011

Summer Hockey has begun

Nick was so excited for today he has been counting down the days and then the hours for summer hockey to start.  Tonight there game was at 8:15pm (the rest are not so late)  He was excited to see some of his old team mates from Novice and they were excited to see him it was cute watching them together catching up on old times. 

This last weekend Paul and Nick helped a buddy of Paul's from work build a shed.  Nick had so much fun working with the guys and he mowed the lawn first then helped them with the shed.  He got to use the drill to put the screws in and use the chalk line.  He had fun and it saved me from hearing all day long that he was bored.  Dana and I walked up to see how they were doing and Nick had a big smile on his face.  We also got to babysit Gabby for sat and sun.  It was hard to take her back home.

This is Gabby when she was only just over a week old.  We got to go see them all.

There are all the babies.  They are so cute.  Now they are almost 5 weeks old.  They sure do grow lots in the first months of life.  Sasha was really good with her too.  Smelling her and watching her it was cute to see them together.  Sasha is so big and Gabby is so small.

Dexter had an assignment that he had two weeks to work on it and it is due tomorrow.  So Sunday he asked me to help him work on it.  So Sunday I am making him 4 batches of play dough.  He had to make an Ice Road.  So I made one blue for the water and then 4 batches for the Ice.  He put the blue down first in a clear container then the white he put a couple rocks and moss and then a couple of trucks.  Does not look too bad his little Ice road.  Then yesterday I was typing out what he had written but told him he needed more information, so when he got home today after school I said you need to finish that because Nick has hockey and when I get home at 9:30pm I want to watch the hockey game but Dex had more important things to do like go talk to his ex-girlfriend (they broke up Friday) and maybe get back together.  Kids I told him to forget the girl and focus on school and getting a summer job.  Oh well it is done and printed and he is all ready to hand it in.

Dana was so excited after school today because she got her permission slip for the end of year trip to the water park.  She was so happy about that.  (now we really have to find her a swimsuit)  she is almost finished sewing her "Stanley" too.  not much left.  When we went to get her some shorts for summer she found this really cool horse necklace but it is metal and her neck breaks out so I told her we need to take the metal off that goes around her neck and but black cord instead.  She said she has to think about it.

Club is coming up next week, I am excited about that, but it is the last one for the year.  The new catalog comes out in July too.  I am happy that there is only a couple things I would like to get that is leaving.  Mostly the ribbon and one stamp set I think.

I was going to watch the game but Vancouver is not playing good right now at all.  Hopefully when the third period starts Vancouver will do better and score some goals and win the game.  GO VANCOUVER GO

Thursday 2 June 2011

Is it Friday yet?

Oh what a last couple of days.  Thank goodness the sun was shinning, it makes the days so much better.  Zumba is great I love it, not sure about all the steps yet but I keep on moving.  It is funny how and when you have a great idea.  This morning while I was getting breakfast, making lunches, putting Sasha out and got an idea.  Dana has been riding her scooter to school which because of that she goes much faster than I do walking so she either turns around and comes back or she waits for me.  I speed walk thought I have always been a fast walker.  So I thought what if I put on my workout clothes and shoes and RUN?   Now I used to run all the time I was up to 10K when I ran but I have not ran in a year or so.  But it felt great I didn't run the whole way there and back but most of the way, then I walked around the block too.  Sasha did awesome running beside me her tongue hanging out, not only was I getting a good workout so was Sasha and she needs to keep active.  When we got home and got a drink we went outside and played ball for a bit too.  Then I cleaned up and showered.  I think if I run every other day for a bit then work up to everyday I should be fine.  Dana got to school sooner too.  Bonus for everybody.

I also checked out Mary's site to see if she had the discontinued list up and she did and I am very happy to say that there are no (maybe one or two) stamp sets that I want.  All the ribbon is going though so I need to get a few of them but that is it.  I am so happy about that usually there is so much going and it is so hard to decide what I REALLY want to get.  They are re-packaging the paper but it is staying YIPPEE!!

Dex is off to the dance, Nick is playing street hockey and Dana wants to play Mario Kart.  Fun times they think it is funny that I can drive a car but can not drive in the game.