Monday 31 October 2011

Hockey, meat sale and Lightning

Wow what a busy few days.  I am afraid now that hockey is on it is always going to be like that.  Thursday night Nick wanted to go watch the high school hockey game instead of going to his school Halloween fun night.  Dana went to her school's fun night.  The hockey game was good, It was fun to watch the older kids play.  Dana had fun at her fun night too.

Nick built Lightning a fun activity to run around in, he was getting mad at him (Lightning) because he kept running up into the tubing around his cage so Nick couldn't get him.  Even Sasha had to watch.

Nick had hockey practice and a game.  He was excited for his game.  Nick also has to dress up for his games also.  The first picture is at practice and the other ones are at the game.  He is number 30.  Nick's team is the Eagles.

In the middle of practices and games it was also the meat sale.  The store has them in the spring and the fall.  You can get some super deals and I love going to fill up my deep freeze.

I also had some guys come on friday to take down the chimney and I was happy that they were all finished from start to finish friday.

After Nick's game we were home for about an hour then we headed back to the rink for Paul's hockey game.  It was a good game and fun to watch Paul play hockey again.  His team won.  Nick even got a puck and a broken stick.

I am off to the school for hot lunch.  Happy Halloween.

Friday 28 October 2011

Bear, Gabby and flowers

Well Wed when Nick got home from school his hamster had died.  Dana was really upset and so was Nick, but Dana had gotten Bear out and played with him almost everyday after school so she was crying and very sad.  We put him in a bag with some fluff and buried him. We dug a hole and covered him up then Nick put this big rock on top.  Then Nick went in the house and hugged Sasha.  Dana would not even let me take a picture she was crying and not wanting her picture taken.  Poor kids.  It is not easy loosing a pet.

On thursday after I got done watering the plants this is what Gabby did.  What a funny little puppy.  She jumped up into the plant to eat/drink the water I had just poured.

Some of my flowers outside still look good too.  Which is cool.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Hockey, Bear and Paul's cabinet

Well it is official, Nicholas made the Rec team for hockey.  He got his jersery last practice he was not too happy about the number he got #30 he wanted #1 oh well next year maybe.  I found out that the other goalie on our team has been goalie since he was 6 years old, and this is Nick's second year as a goalie and he is just as good, if not better than the other kid.  (I have had three coaches tell me that Nick is a better goalie than the two, partly because Nick has a natural talent but also he wants to learn more and soakes up all the coaching he gets.  The other kid thinks he is all that and a bag of chips and does not like to listen to the coaches.)  It is fun to watch them on the ice everytime they trade off or end a practice they touch there gloves together.  So for the next 6-7 months it is going to be hockey, hockey and more hockey.  We had a practice on monday and again tonight.  It should be an exciting year.  I need to get a picture of him and his new helmet and now his jersey

Monday when Nick and I were cleaning out the hamster cages Bear Nick's hamster was cold so Nick held him and warmed him up and we gave him a drink and moved his bed in the cage and took off the tunnel, then we talked about Bear being old and that he was going to die soon.  He was still alive tuesday but this morning I think he has died.  I did not tell Nick because I didn't want him to be upset and then not go to school.

Paul cabinet is almost finished the arbright is on and he is just finishing staining some of the drawers then they can be put on.  He only has a week to finish because then he is gone out to the field for the month of Nov.

And here is Sasha and Gabby relaxing after a hard day of play.

Monday 24 October 2011

Cleaning, hockey

Last week was crazy, busy I really do not know where the week went.  The kids were off on friday and Nick had a friend over and Dana and I made cookies and muffins.  Nick had hockey thursday, friday and saturday. 

For the past couple of weeks I have been thinking and wondering how to fix my entry way.  It is always a mess and nobody likes to put there coats, backpacks and sweaters away.  So last week after a particularly hard day I got to work.  I emptied out the front entry and got rid of the Rubbermaid tote of toys and cleaned a spot for that at the bottom of the stairs.  That made that look tons better, now I just need to make sure Nick does not keep leaving his toys there.  Then I started on the next part.  I got rid of the green bench.  Moved the plants around and it looks much better.  Nick had to see if he could fit in the green bench still.  Funny kid.  He had fun taking everything out with me. 

Nick had hockey practice and then he wanted me to take him and his friend Brody to public skating.  Nick and Brody were the first ones on the ice and the last ones off.  It was fun to watch Nick stake with out all of his goalie gear on.  It was so fun to watch the two of them race each other and Nick is still super fast.  We had only been there for about a half hour when an older lady lost her balance and fell, she cracked open her head a bit so one lady was holding some gauze on her head, I had my blanket so I got that and with another lady's help we got it wrapped around her, Nick's cloth that we use to clean his skates we used to lay on the ice under her head because the lady's hands were getting cold.  We were talking to her and asking her questions then when the ambulance came we kept the kids back.  What an experience about half of the people left after that so there was not too many left. 

After public skating it was figure skating and the boys wanted to know if they had to wear helmets so we asked the lady and her little girl if they had to wear helmets.  Her name is Karen and she said that when they are starting out they do.  So the boys watched and I visited with Karen whom I had never meet before, she was so fun to talk to.  After figure skating was a women's hockey game so the boys wanted to know if they check so I said go ask them.  They came back with a puck each and were not impressed that the girls do not check.  I told them that we wanted to keep all of our teeth and didn't want scars on our face.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

What a busy weekend. Nick had hockey, cleaning, groc shopping.  Friday Nick had another game for the competitive tryouts before the game I asked him if he was nervous and he said no but when we got home he was pacing the floor and kept saying what if I didn't make it the team I played good didn't I play good?  The Wednesday game Nick saved 26 shots and 1 goal, and Friday he saved 18 saves and let in 2 goals. His defence played better the friday game.   He played really good.  He got a phone call about 9:30pm saying he made the team he was jumping for joy.  Saturday morning we had to go to the rink at 11:00am because Paul signed up for head coach so we were not sure what was going on, Nick was happy to be on the ice.  So Paul and Aaron took charge of the kids, it was a good practice then we came home for about 45 minutes and headed back to the rink for the competitive practice.  Nick was happy to see that his friends made the team too.

Paul is almost finished the counter he will be so happy when it is done.  They wanted a dark stain but didn't pick on so when Paul got it all stained the boss was not impressed that it was so light, Paul told him you picked a light stain so that is what you get.  He is gluing on the top now.

Last week our phones didn't work so Friday we got new ones and let them charge for there 15-20 hours I was so excited to plug them in but was quickly disappointed when we plugged them in the they made the same noises.  We tried all the outlets in the house and nothing changed so it is not the phones but the phone lines coming into the house.  But when I was reading the book that came with the phones they said it could be because of the DSL connection too.

Friday this is what Dexter was doing.  Last Friday there was no school so the kids had friends over.  This is Dex friend Mike.

And this is what the rest of the kids were doing.  Playing baseball.  Brody, Daemon, Dana and Nick.

Friday 14 October 2011


It is Friday YIPPEE.  This week has been crazy with hockey, meetings, phone not working, volunteer work and life.  Nicks game on Wednesday went awesome, he did a super job only let in one goal and saved 26 shots.  He had tons of fun, Dana and Dexter even came to watch.  He has another game tonight then the team will be picked so if he gets a paper he will be on the team.

For the last almost 4 days our phones have not been working, they have had static when you hit talk and they won't ring.  So this morning Paul went to Crappy Tire and got one that was on sale plugged it in it has to charge for 15 hours.  So when I was making lunch the phone rings, I thought that the new phone was turned on but it was the old one.  That is the way it goes don't work for 4 days then we get a new phone and it decides to work again. 

This is Dana's school picture for this year.  I asked her how come she didn't take her sweater off?  She just shrugged her shoulders so we picked the first one.

This is Nick's school picture.  He said the lady was trying to make him laugh.  He is on a green screen then he can pick his own background.  I didn't think about taking Dexter's pictures of his.

The other day the bell rang (at the back door for when the dogs need or want to go outside) and I said who rang the bell? Paul said it was Gabby I said Gabby can reach it?  Well she can but she sure has to stretch it is so cute.

Here is another poster.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Button battery dangers, odds and ends

Yesterday when I was going through a couple blogs that I like there was this story about a boy named Emmett who had swallowed a button battery.  He is not quiet two years old and has to have surgery's and x-rays and 4 inches of his esophagus removed.  I tried to put it on my face book to help spread the word (and I have lots of little people in my family) but for some reason either I or face book was having problems.  Poor little guy. 

This morning Paul was supposed to be to work earlier so I set the alarm but it did not go off so as he is getting dressed he goes to use the phone but there was nothing so I run down stairs to get that one and it was just static.  So none of our phones work, I knew the phones were dying but figured they would be OK for a while.  Thank heavens for a cell phone, so I had to write a note for both Dana and Nick's teachers to call my cell phone in case something happens while they are at school.   So after the kids left for school and I got the plants in water I checked out the fliers for sales on phones. 

Nick has his first hockey game tonight for the competitive tryouts, the white jerseys against the black jerseys.  Should be a good game (I hope).

I had made something a while back and had to cut off a couple of inches off the bottom of the paper and I saved the strips of paper thinking that I would use these someday, well I made them into a book.

Over the weekend my Grandparents celebrated their wedding anniversary (60 years together) and their birthdays.  I had wanted to make them a little something because I could not be there.

Just before General Conference my friend Alyss and I were talking about what we would do to help our kids listen to the talks and learn something and I told her I would make up conference bingo with pictures and then they would have treats and if they heard a word they would put a treat on the bingo paper.  Then a few days before conference Alyss stopped by and gave me this cute little General Conference kit that she had made.  On the bottle of water was this quote "With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation" Isiah 12:3.  On the paper pad President Uchtodorf said if you have any questions in your life that you should think of them, write them down, and pray about them.  Then listen carefully during General Conference for the Lord to answer your questions.  And the goodies tin Strengthen the body and ..... enliven the soul D&C 59:19.  Such a cute idea most of the time I am more worried about my kids listening then remembering something for myself to write notes or ideas that come when I am listening.

Have a great day today everyone.  I am going to go work on my Christmas gifts and feel sad that I can not post them till after Christmas I LOVE how they are coming together and want so much to share but then they will not be a surprise.