Monday 30 May 2011

Good day, and I am ready for bed

Today was a good day, I got a lot done and now I am ready for bed and it is only 8:00pm.  Today the sun was shinning and beautiful out and man does it suck the life out of ya.  I got the kids to school and went for a walk,  Nick was happy because I made french toast for breakfast and the kids drank all the white milk so I used chocolate milk.  I didn't notice a difference tasted good to me.  I did Zumba again today fun fun fun then went down stairs and cleaned a bit.  I love/hate the basement, I am glad to have one but it seems that it is never clean.  I got laundry hung on the line and went and worked in my scrap room.  I got a couple of pages done and a couple of cards decided.   When I went and got the kids I took Sasha's brushes again and combed her fur again.  Wow how much is she going to loose.  After cleaning up supper and doing the dishes I put away three baskets of laundry, well I sorted them out and told the kids to put them away in their dressers.  All but Paul got his put away he will do his when he is getting into bed.  It is a good feeling when the clothes are put away, until the next day when there is clothes in the hamper again. 

I love the lattice sizzix die, there is so much you can do with them.  I got this idea from Mary Fish but changed a few things to fit what I had.  A new thing I love is Glimmer Mist, it is a super fun way to add a bit to a page or card.  Love them.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Zumba, Hot Lunch, cleaning and scrapbooking

Wow things have been busy.  Thursday was Zumba, man that is so much fun I love it I need to figure something out for the weekend though so I can still do it.  I got clothes washed and hung out on the line I love hanging clothes out.  The last couple of days were so nice and sunny then of course it had to rain again.  I also started on a couple of layouts and got some done and my stack of pages I put in the albums that is always nice to put a bunch of layouts in albums.

Friday was hot lunch then Nick was home at noon and Brody called and he came over then the two of them played then it was time to go get Dana from school and as I am waiting for Dana the two boys start singing a song. "do your boobs hang low do they wobble to and fro?"  I said um the song is about your ears not boobs.  They thought there way was better.  Dang that Brody.  When we got home they all decided to ride bikes and Dana went on her scooter at first I was just looking out the window then I decided that I had better be outside so I took my camera and took some pictures.  They had the big jump that Paul made last year and two little ones they were at the side with plenty of room for cars to go by but after a bit this white car goes by who was not paying attention and had to swerve then he was mad and him and his female passenger put up there middle fingers and I yelled same to you.  A guy was on his bike and he chased after them and came back with the plate # and as we were talking the guy comes back in his car.  Oh he was in my face so I got in his and told him that when kids were out he should slow down and putting up his middle finger was childish and dumb.  He said that his girlfriend said that I did it first so then she did.  I said I do not put my middle finger and my kid is out here I wouldn't be so stupid or childish.  The guy on the bike said are you going to say your sorry or what?  So he said ya sorry.  I said just slow down when you see kids you never know where or what they are going to do.  He left.  Some people are so stupid and many other things. 

I need to make some younger boy birthday cards.  That is my plan this week.  At club a few months ago we learned how to use ink and glossy paper and a brayer to make cool accents so this is my version.  I love this stamp set too.  I think I made 5-6 different cards and colors and designs with the set.  It is called day of gratitude.  (stampin up)

Saturday was busy with cleaning and regular stuff but I also got my deep freeze cleaned out for the Mulder meat sale.  Paul and I go and wait in line for a couple of hours and then go into the big freezer and get discounted meat.  We usually get enough or pretty close to getting enough to last till the next one.  They have two a year one in May and then in Nov.  Standing outside in May is fine and pretty nice but the one in Nov is really cold but each year I get smarter.  Last year I was all bundled up plus I took my fleece blanket to wrap up in.  The only thing that got cold was my feet.  Next year I am going to get some of those feet warmers too.  This year Paul and I took our folding chairs to sit in while we waited and that was nice our feet and legs were not tired by the end. 

Another page I got done.  Well this week will be trying to get kids in bed on time, working out, scrap booking, cleaning and the usual stuff I do in a week.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Beautiful Day Today

What a beautiful day today the sun was shinning, kids were happy, I was happy, what a beautiful day.  The kids got up and to school good and Dana rode her scooter to school and she was happy about that.  It made the walk to school so much better than hearing her complain about walking to school.  Now Paul or I just need to show her how to collapse it so she can put it in her locker.  I took the long way home and worked out and then had to change some things in my scrapbook room so I could open the window.  I like it now, the window more open lets more light in and makes the room seem larger.   This is a before picture.

Sorry I tried to rotate the picture but it didn't work.  I will take another one the other way.  Not much window is showing and not much light either.  The ink pad holder by the window Paul and I made them last year I love them they hold all my ink pads and are so easy to see and get.  The table Dexter made at school, he wanted it in his room for a computer desk but when we got it home it was much too high.  I said Dex it makes the perfect height for my cutting machines so I traded him my shorter/smaller table for his taller/bigger one.  I love it When I use my Sizzix or Cuttle bug it is the perfect height for using them.  I hope when he leaves he won't remember his table and if he does I will have to have Paul make me one.

When I walked to get Dana and Nick from school I took Sasha's comb and brush and boy did a lot of her hair come out, she probably felt better and it was good to have all that dog hair gone outside and not in the house. 
The kids have enjoyed the nice day they have been riding bikes, scooter, playing basketball and just hanging  out.  Also the yard cleanup is going on so Paul, Dexter and I got some junk hauled to the curb so nice to get rid of stuff.  I even got the yucky elliptical out (man that thing hurt it was hard on my bones) I just hope that the truck comes tomorrow so the pile is gone sooner than later.  There was this guy in a truck who was driving around looking and going through every body's stuff to get things.  Nick and Dylan were riding there bikes around and when they came back I asked if they saw anything good and both of them said no just junk.  Too funny. 

Vancouver is in the Stanley Cup finals that is so exciting I hope they win the cup, it has been too long for a Canadian team to win the cup.  GO CANUCKS

Tomorrow I get to do Zumba again I am so excited it is so fun and I am not sore after I feel energized and ready to go which I love because then I get things done especially things that I really do not want to do.  The not so fun things.  Tomorrow is going to be another awesome day.  :-)

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Zumba Wow!

Wow Zumba was awesome I had a great time and it was such a good work out.  It took me a few minutes to figure out the beginning on the Wii (main Menu is where it is all at) but once I got going wow.  20 minutes gave my whole body a workout.  I can not wait to do it again.  I would not go do it in front of anyone but in my own living room with the curtains closed bring it on.  I now can see why Jodi loves it. 

The kids didn't do too bad getting up this morning the boys were up and ready to go just after 8:00am and Paul got a ride thank goodness because it was pouring rain and windy and Dexter had his project to get to school.  It would not have survived the walk.  Dana's sewing project is almost done I am so proud of her, she is sewing "Stanley" a stuffed dog.  She has got all the pieces sewed together and now has to sew the pieces to his body.  I need to find some fun little projects for her for the summer, she loves to sew (does not get that from me I hate sewing I find it very frustrating, my Grandma is an awesome sewer, I would much rather scrapbook) 

On Saturday when we were in town after we were done window shopping (hockey gear) we were waiting for our pizza and Paul and Nick were talking about hockey gear and how long it lasts  and Nick said well my hockey helmet I can just digest it.  Digest it?  He was a very hungry boy had food on his mind.  He said adjust it I mean.   I said I am going to write that down so I get out my pad of paper to write it down (Nick is saying no don't write it down) and I find another funny thing he said.  Back in October 2009 we were going into Home Depot and Nick holds up his hand and says "wait, manly things you can't handle manly things in here"  funny boy.

I got a new laptop for Christmas and I love it but it has been frustrating getting used to it.  Typing on it causes me frustration I will be typing away and then all of a sudden what I have typed is gone or I am on a new page.  I do NOT know how I do that.  I can type not a problem but for some reason on the laptop and I have troubles.  Also today was a nice day I have let go of a couple of games I used to play that were taking up a lot of my time a couple of days ago I could not get on so I tried later and still could not get on.  The next day I couldn't still and so I decided that it was a sign to get off and do something that will help me be a better person.  Goodbye Farmille and Frontier Ville.  I have my life back.  YIPPEE!!  I worked out today, cleaned a bit, did hot lunch at Nick's school and organized in my scrap room - a super day. 

I made this card I got the idea from Mary Fish, I love her blog she has some awesome card ideas. 

Here's looking forward to another awesome day tomorrow.  I have a list of things I want to do.  One of them is saying goodbye to gray hair.

Monday 23 May 2011

Wow What a Day!!

Well today was a good day I got a lot done which is always a bonus.  Dexter and his friend Dylan had a bottle drive today so I was taking them this am.  They had a good time and they are hopefull that they got enough bottles for the rockin relay which is this coming week.  They were tired when they got home and hungry.  Boys.

Dexter and Dylan playing X-box, sitting in the same chair together. 

I made a list this morning of everything I wanted to get done and am happy to say that I got everything but the floors done and putting my new stuff in my scrap room put away.  Why does my fun stuff always get put to last then not done? 

I have decided that I am going to work out everyday.  I go for a walk everyday but that is about it.  I got the Zumba for Wii and I am going to use it.  I am not happy with my body so time to do something about it again.  I am an emotional eater so I need to work on when I feel like eating because I am bored, sad, happy and so on that I do something else instead.  I have heard good things about Zumba so I am excited to give it a whirl.  My sister in law Jodi loves Zumba says it is fun and a good work out.  Will keep you posted on how it is going. I want to be able to run again. I was running 10K and I felt good. 

Last night while we were watching a movie together Dana says out of the blue. "My period has not started yet".   Nick is like what is that?  Oh Dana, I said that is good you are a lucky girl, don't you think that your period is a private matter?  Sometimes she says the strangest, funniest things.  Being autistic she sometimes just does not think first before she says something.  She is not too bad but sometimes she is thinking about something and just says it instead of saying it in private or just to me.  Thank goodness it is not too bad or embarressing but sometimes it does cause a little bit of a discussion with Nick about what she said.  Nick is good though he has a good understanding and is very good to Dana.  He calls her his "needs" sister.  Not to her of course. 

It has been a good long weekend and hopefully the week will go by just as good. I have hot lunch tomorrow and going to try Zumba then play in my scraproom.  I need to get some father's day cards made.

Sunday 22 May 2011

First post

Hi and welcome to my blog.  I am excited to share my life, scrapbooking and cards with you.  My hubby and I have 3 kids and live hundreds and hundreds of miles away from our family and this is a good way to share what is going on with us. 
The kids enjoying the sun.  It has been raining for days and days so now that the sun is out we are outside enjoying it all.  And Sasha is getting in on the fun too. 

Nicholas "the brick wall" had a awesome season this year and loved being a goalie.  Nick started out as a player and did so good he got the hustler award pretty much at every tournament.  He is a super fast skater and making goals, last year he decided to be a goalie and had an awesome goalie coach Aaron who helped him out.  Thanks Aaron :-)

My Dana girl, she hates her picture being taken so when she lets me take her picture I jump at it.  Dana took a babysitters course at her school and had a great time.  She learned some First Aid and how to care for different age kids.  She had a great time.  She was there from 9:30am to 3:00pm and got to pack a lunch, she was excited but disappointed that it was not the next saturday or the next. 

This is the oldest Dexter, he is a good kid, older brother and friend most of the time.......keeping postive he got to work last summer in Alberta (we are from Alberta but at the moment are living in NB) and had a blast.  He stayed with my brother Justin and sister in law Jodi.  He was able to make some money, make new friends, work and buy his own laptop.  But most important got to spend some quality time with his little cousins.

My hubby and I have been together for going on 14 years. We have had our ups and downs but always have each other to count on.  My hubby is always willing and able to help me out especially when I need him to build something.  He works hard supporting our family, he makes sure we are all happy and taken care off. Love you Hun Bun.

This is my scrapbook room I LOVE MY ROOM it is the only room in the house that stayes this clean all the time. I love clean and organized I can find things fast.  All the wood pieces my Hubby and I built together except for this table, Dexter built this at school.  It is the perfect height to stand at and use my sizzix and cuttle bug machines.  I try and do something everyday whether it is make a card or start a page I love to be in my scraproom. 

Sasha our puppy (well she is a year old now) she is a very smart good girl and we all love her. 

Here is Dana's Kitty, Mittens sleeping in her favorite spot in the top bunk so Sasha can not get her.

One of our pet hamsters.  Lightning she is super fast and the kids love to play with her.

Well time to hang out with the family. :-)