Tuesday 29 May 2012


Nick and his team played four games altogether.  The first game we lost 4 to 2.  The second game we won 6 to 2.  We played at the Pownal Sports Centre, it was a 15 - 20 min drive from the hotel.  We went the back way and saw fields of red dirt, horses, cows and some sheep.  In the picture below Nick is just coming in with his team from there pre-game work out.

Nick got a new hockey bag and I kept teasing him that it was too big.

The next day and the third game Nick was in net, this game decided two things, if we won we would stay in the A division and we would win a medal.
The first two periods Nick was standing on his head, only one shot went in for the other team, Nick was on fire he held off the other team (28 shots) none of our shots went in.  After the second period they flooded the ice and when our team came back out within 2 minutes we scored a goal.  Then they tied it up then we scored.  The last 5 - 8 minutes I was sick, the score was 3 to 2 for us.  WE WON. The first two periods were all Nick but the third his team got together and worked hard and we won.  I had so many people not only from our team but the other team and people watching saying what an awesome goalie Nick is, and that they wished he was on there team.

When the game was over the boys all crowed around Nick, I know the picture is fuzzy we were all so excited for them. 

We were in the game for either a gold or silver medal, all the parents were so excited especially the coach because his spring hockey team had never gotten this far before.  The last game was a hard one the boys played so hard but we didn't quite make it.  We got the Silver medal we were all so proud of the boys and there hard work.

Nick took it hard of course until we explained that his team was number 5 going into the tournament then we lost the first game that put us to 6 place, the third game we won 6 to 2 which put us in the gold medal game.  None of the parents or the coaches expected to get anything, of course you hope for the best.  The team we played were number 1 the whole time.  It was a perfect way to end AAA Spring hockey.

After the game the kids and coaches went in the dressing room then all the parents went in and the kids got there awards and Nick was named MVP for the season.  There was also a water fight too.

 Here is Nick and his coach Steve and team mate Brad.

Nick and the MVP ball.

We had such a great time in PEI, I will post more pictures in another blog.  It was such a good experience for us all.  Dana had a blast and meet some kids that she had fun with.  Nick made some new friends who he cant wait to see next year.

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