Sunday 20 May 2012

PEI sites around the hotel

We have been having so much fun so far.  Here are some things we saw as we were driving and walking around finding somewhere to eat and then finding a parking spot.  I love PEI but there are very few places to park.

We found this cool little place to eat, the food was super good. 

We had fish and chips and Paul had a hamburger, then he asked for a double burger and the waiter was like it is huge are you sure?  Paul said yes, the waiter said I will be amazed if you eat it all.  Guess what he did.

When we got back Dana and Nick went swimming.

Dana and I went for a walk and we went to the same places when we were there a couple years ago with Justin, Jodi and Mattayha.  Some of the places were not open though.

I thought this building was cool, it is the oldest brick building in the city and the sign on the door says 1001/2.   The lighthouse that was here before is not here anymore, either tore down or moved.

Our room is the 3 row down 2 window from the left in.  You cant see from the picture (too small) but Dana has her stuffies in the window.

This table is in the lobby by the elevator.  It is beautiful.

Nick's game is not until 2:00pm so we have been killing time.  One of Nick's team mates Brad came over and the three kids played Mario Kart on the DS's.

So hockey starts at 2:00pm then a break and another game.  Dana and I found the place that makes Funnel Cakes but they are only open from 11:00 to 5:00pm.  There is always Cows ice cream too, which you can only get here.  It is really good icecream.

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