Wednesday 9 May 2012

Dana's Birthday, jumpin on the tramp

Dana's Birthday was a beautiful day, and she was so excited that it was her birthday.  She woke up happy and excited.  She had been telling me for a while that the school decorates the kids lockers at school, and I said to her that it was friends that did it.  She had it in her head that it was the school so I got some blue balloons and made a poster for her locker.

In the morning at my crossing guard spot one of the girls who knows Dana went by and I asked her if she minded decorating Dana's locker.  She said not a problem, so I gave her the bag of tape, balloons, poster and some string.

At the end of the day Dana was super excited and had her balloons and told me all about her locker being decorated.  It made her day, so I was happy that I had a friend to it because she would have been so disappointed had there been nothing on her locker.

Dana wanted spaghetti and meatballs for supper and garlic bread, then she opened her presents and off we went to hockey practise then came home and had cake.

We were getting Dana's cake ready and Jodi called to wish Dana a happy birthday and we were ready to sing happy birthday so Dana put the phone on speaker and Jodi and the kids sang with us. We were all singing happy birthday to her and Dana thought that was the best thing ever! Which you can tell by the look on her face. (it was like being home and everybody singing happy birthday almost - well just in the voices singing, Jodi's kids are good at singing happy birthday.)

I wanted to get a picture of Dana to scrapbook what she likes at 13 and I took 5 pictures before I got one that was good enough.  She really hates getting her picture taken.

We also put up the trampoline the other day and there has been some nice days so the kids have been out jumping. The first two are of Dana and her friend Jeremy her walking buddy from school.  It is fun to watch them play on the tramp.  Nick and Dana love to play hot potato.

The other day Paul came home from work around 2:00pm and was cleaning the yard so when I got home he had gotten a bit done already and had got gas for the lawnmower.  He said that everybody was suppose to get there yards cleaned up or they would be in trouble.  I was happy about that because the yard was a bit of a mess but nobody wanted to clean up or do anything.  It is so much better now, and the crap is all gone.  YIPPEE!

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