Wednesday 21 March 2012

First day of Spring

The first day of Spring was so nice, we had the sun shinning, kids rode their bikes to school, no coats, hats, gloves.  It was an awesome day.  Lunch time at work was busy, because lots of people were out going for a walk.

Nick's last two games were a win for the team.  Nick won his last game in net 6 to 2, it was a good game and the last game we won 4 to 3.  Now we are off to New York the last weekend in March.  Then AAA hockey starts.  Nick is super excited to head off to the big tournament.

Nick had another birthday party and the kids played floor hockey, they had fun of course.

Dana went for a bike ride with Rebecca and had a great time.  When she got home she was so dirty, but she had a huge smile on her face and was happy.  What is a little dirt I guess? She even let me take her picture which surprised me.

Dylan came over the other day and they were playing a game, I went upstairs for a minute and when I came back downstairs they were sitting in the blue chair so of course I had to take a picture.

I had club last Friday and it was so nice to get out of the house and do something fun.  We made two cards and two pages.  We tried the water colour paper, which I want to try again.  It is tricky getting the right amount of water after you have coloured the stamp with the water colour crayons.

When the Sisters were over last week it was Sister Ott's Birthday so we had a birthday cake, to celebrate her big day.

Today it is getting up to 25 degrees so I put some clothes in the washer before I left for work so when I got home I hung them out on the line.  I forgot to take a picture before I downloaded my pictures.  It is nice to hang clothes on the line again.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Hockey, sunny day,

Yesterday was so gorgeous out.  It was like summer.  On the weekend Paul and Nick worked on the bikes because Nick and Dana wanted to go for a bike ride.  Nicks Chain had a kink in it and they got that all fixed up and Dana's bike just needed the tires filled with some air.  They are good to go now.

Dexter was sleeping on the sofa and Gabby jumped up on him and started licking in his ears, he didn't even move I couldn't believe it.

Both Dana and Nick have Heritage projects to do.  Nick is doing his on the Calgary Stampede and Dana does not remember what she is doing.  (She does not want to do it and his stressing out about it.  Her teacher sent home paper work on it and the dimensions for how much space they have and how big there poster board can be)  Nick is going to be gone during the fair.  He is gone to a hockey tournament the whole time, so he thinks he should not have to do it either.  Oh the joys

One of Nick's team mates had a birthday party and invited the whole hockey team, they got to go to the high school and play in the gym.  They all had a blast playing ball hockey.

Dana went shopping and found this cute hat on sale, Sasha looks good with it one too. (I will get one of Dana wearing it and post, she hates her picture being taken so I have to be careful when I take her pic)

This is Nick's hockey team they are waiting to go on the ice to play their game.  The first pic Nick is looking at the ice so you see his name bar the next one he has turned around to look at Paul.

This is Dex and Nick playing with Lego, they were so funny playing.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Playing outside,

The kids have wanted to play outside on the big snow drifts so we have gotten dressed and away we go.  They climb up and push each other off and have tons of fun.  Katherine loves playing in the snow so it has been fun for her too.  The first time we went it was Dexter, Nick, Katherine and I.

Katherine managed to get both Nick and Dex down the hill and of course Sasha followed them.  Sasha is a good dog she watches out for Katherine.  Nick and Katherine went into the MFRC for a drink of water and Sasha would have followed her right in.  She paced back and forth in front of the door until Katherine came back out. Once Kat came out and Sasha was sure she was fine she followed her back to the snow pile.

As I am running around trying to get things done this is Dexter while he is waiting for me. 

The other day Nick had Brody and Brock over to play hockey.  They are so funny when they play together.  All three of them love hockey and love to be playing hockey and with each other.

Mondays for me are so crazy, I head out the door for 7:30am back home to take the kids to school back home around 9:00. At 11:00 I head to Nick's school for hot lunch, leave there at 12 for my cross walk go home for about an hour.  Leave the house at 2:00 work till 3:45 come home and am there for about 30 to 40 min leave for hockey practise come home at 7 head out and get Katherine and am back home around 9.  I have told my family that they have to clean up supper I no longer want to come home to dishes.  So last Monday Dexter made supper and this is what he made.  When you are freezing and hungry it was the best thing I had eaten.

Here is Sasha and Gabby laying in the sun.

Monday 5 March 2012

Hair cuts, hockey

Nick and I decided that we would like to get our hair cut too.  When ever I try and get a good picture of Nick he is always silly.  So on Minda after I did hot lunch Nick came with me to the cross walk and had lunch with me then we went and got our hair cut.

We have been having the Sister Missionaries over for supper and the dogs love them.  They come every Thursday and they put in there order for supper.  By having them say what they would like to eat has relieved a lot of stress on me.  I do not mind having people over but trying to decide what to feed them just stresses me right out.

Brody, Brock and Nick had a hockey game in the driveway the other day.  It is fun to watch them play. 

We had a game in Heartland and Nick and I carpooled with Brock and his Mom Victoria.  The rink was an old barn it was weird and cold.  It was not a good game at all and the boys feel asleep on the way home.

Nick also got asked to be the goalie for the Fredericton Flames AAA hockey team for the spring.  He was so excited and has had one practise already and loved it.

Katherine came over and we played on the Wii.  She loves to play the Wii and is very competitive.  She loves it when she beats Dexter.

Out door rink, Dana's hair and Katherine

Wow has it ever been a while since I blogged.  It has been busy around here.  A couple of weeks ago I took Nick and his friend Brody to the outdoor rink.  It was fun to watch them skate around, and especially Nick he can sure fly with out his goalie gear on.  Nick and Brody were the only ones but in a few minutes some other kids showed up and they had a hockey game.  I sat in the van and tried to keep warm.

I also got another phone call about Dana's hair.  They do not seem to realise how sensitive her head is. Yes if she would comb it every single day then it would be fine but she does not then it gets tangles in it and is painful.  I don't think I will get any more phone calls about her hair though I told the school if I got any more I would charge them with harassment. (I would not really do that but I am so sick of the hair issue)  I went to the hair salon and got some dry hair treatment and came home and wow it ever help so much with combing her hair.  I also got her a hair appointment to get her hair cut the next day. I got some dry hair shampoo and so far her hair has been much better.

Three nights a week I take my friends daughter and we do some sort of activity.  We go for walks, play at the park, play hockey and of course play in the snow. Katherine loves to play hockey so one night we went to the out door rink but she really didn't like the ice so the next time we went to the school parking lot.  Dexter, Paul, Nick, Katherine and I went and played.  It was fun.  Nick does really good with Katherine, he watches out for her and makes sure she is OK and having fun.  Katherine has a very funny sense of humour.  She always makes us laugh.