Friday 21 December 2012

Last day of school

Last post I mentioned about donating blood.  It was such a good experience and I learned that only 2% of us donate blood which is really sad, get out there and do it!! I am signed up to donate again on Jan 10.  This is my finger that got pricked and Shirley put the smiley face on it.
While we were in Fredericton trying to get Dana to try on shoes for gym class, Nick saw these high heel shoes and wondered how in the world girls wore them.  So he took off his shoe and tried one on.  He said it was very uncomfortable and girls were crazy to wear them.  Dana was not in the mood for shoe shopping.  Love that she has to be in the mood, oh well.

A few weeks ago I had been getting phone calls from Nick's teachers telling me he was having a hard time being good.  So I went in for a meeting and told his homeroom teacher that if he was not good to call me and I would come spend the day with him at school.  Well the next day I got a call, I was not impressed at all because after work I was planning on going home cleaning the house then having a shower.  But I went to school and sat by Nick, I was on him like glue which at the time I didn't think bothered him at all.  He has a girl who LOVES him and wont leave him alone and it really frustrates him.  At lunch time I had to head to work so I left him.  (this was a Monday)

I even took a couple of pictures.  The next day when kids were walking to school I had a couple of kids tell me that Nick was really embarrassed that I was there.  I thought good maybe he will behave himself.  So after work in the morning I headed back to school.  I got there about 9:00am.  I left my stuff at the office and headed upstairs to Nicks classroom.  I stood outside and Nick seemed to be good.  His teacher came out and said it was all good.  She said thank you for coming in and being with him, also she said that some of the other teachers said they wished they had parents that would come in too.

The rest of the week was great, no more phone calls.  The next Monday I went in again after work in case Nick forgot how to be good again.  I went in and sat in the back of the room, and after a few minutes Nick spoke out without raising his hand so I said Nick quiet, he turns around shocked to hear me, he didn't know I was there.  So then I went up and sat by him.  They were picking there clusters for Friday so when they were done he promised he was good and I left.  So far he has been good I have not had to go back to school.  He knows I will come sit with him so he better be good.  What a joy that was.

Dana is excited to use the sewing machine this year at school and picked out some fabric to make herself some PJ bottoms.

Here are some random pictures I have taken while at work.

The above picture I was trying just to get my shadow.  Lunch time is SO BORING!!

I love my iPhone I love the apps that I can use to make cool pictures.
Dana's room, messy then clean.  That was a fun day! Dana woke up and decided she wanted to change her room around.  Took us all day because she wanted to do it herself and wouldn't let me in her room to help her very much.  But as the day went on she let me in and we got it done.
Nick and his hockey team the Mustangs.
Christmas cards.

For the last couple of years our family has been going through a very hard time.  It is very challenging, painful, frustrating, draining, heartbreaking.  My dear Paul has depression and anxiety.  He is not the same person anymore.   He was getting help but after his stupid CO got up and said some very mean things he has stopped getting help.  I know he is struggling and having a hard time with this and is frustrated.  I am frustrated and yes I am depressed too.  Its been very hard on me being Mom and Dad even though Paul is home he is not home.  The kids don't understand (Dex does) and wonder why their Dad is angry and mad or just silent now.  Hockey is about the only thing that keeps him going.
I have stopped living also.  I am at a loss and don't know how to help Paul.  I have shut people out, because I have nothing good to say.

Some changes have to be made, I have got to start living again and maybe then I can help Paul.  He does surprise me though and I see his old self but not for very long.  One day is was really cold out and he dropped the kids off at school then made me some hot chocolate and brought it to me at work.  I was so surprised and know he can get better. 

Its going to be a new year and a better year!

Well that's it from the photo freak as Nick calls me.  Next time I will have Nick's badminton-he made the team, and other stuff.


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