Tuesday 18 December 2012

Almost Christmas

It has been such a long time since I have posted anything, things have been going on but just have not had the heart to sit at the computer.

One Saturday Nick and Travis were saying they were bored so I told them that  they could take the fence down so they got out some hammers and tore the fence down.  It kept them busy for a while and the fence came down.

On October 3 I was almost hit by a car twice which made me decide that my stupid little vest was not enough for cars to see me so I went and got a big bright orange jacket.

There next few pictures are ones I took at lunch time while at work.  I just love how the leaves change colours.

Mittens has always loved to get into people's dresser drawers and once she is in the drawer she digs and empties it out.

I got to go to a Women's retreat at the MFRC for the day.  It was so nice and peaceful.  I got to do laughter yoga, head massage, meet other ladies, it was a very very nice day.  I also got a Henna tattoo.

Dana and Nick hate me taking pictures of them so I have to sneak them in.  Here is one I took on the way to work and school in the morning.

Halloween night came and the kids got ready to go and Dana was handing out candy and just when she decided to go out it started to rain.  So we hung out in the front entry and waited for kids to come.

I love walking in the leaves in the fall.

I went with Katherine and Shirley and donated blood.  It was a good experience.  They ask you tons of questins, prick your finger, ask more questins then they hook you up.

I can not upload anymore pictures so that is all for now.

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