Saturday 30 June 2012

Fun Gems

Before school ended I made a list of things I wanted to get done, one of them was get the house organized.  When I was going through some boxes I found this funny little story Dana did when she was in Grade 2.  So here it is in her own words:
The Red Eyed Bull by Dana Coad
One sunny day in the summer, me and Grandpa were driving his red truck down a dusty, bumpy road to the old wooden bridge. 
I yelled "Grandpa, look out! The dangerous red eyed bull is trying to hit the side of your door."
As we drove up the big hill, to the pasture, the great red eyed bull was charging at the truck, like a train out of control.
I had to climb over Grandpa's lap, go out the window and jump on the black, red eyed bull.
I had to get the rope out to get around his neck, I almost got the rough rope around his neck.  I shivered with fear, like a cold cat.  Grandpa was tazering the red yed bull.  I finally got his neck with the rope.
I said "good job Grandpa." We were goiing back to the house, Grandma saw everything that happened.  She was going crazy! Screaming and running around the yard.  We tied the red eyed bull to the fence post to calm down.
And time for Grandma to calm down too.  Grandpa and I were laughing at her.
This is my true story.

Dana is a good story teller, I love reading her stories.

Friday Paul only had to work for the morning so Nick, Dana, Paul and I headed into town.  We went to Costco and then to Micheals,  I head to the scrapbook part of the store and Dana heads to the art.  Dana decided that she wanted to learn to knit, so we got her some stuff.  Some needles and a book on how to knit.   When we got home I tried to figure it out and got frustrated so Paul took over he did better than me. He got frustrateed, so I googled how to knit and found a wonderful video and Dana and I learned to cast on.

Today we are going to learn how to knit.  She is so excited to finally be learning how to knit.

Dexter had two job interviews, one on Tuesday and one Friday.  Hopefully he will get two phones calls.

Nick is busy mowing lawns but our weather has been rainy, and more rain.  We got home last night about 8:00pm and he mowed out lawn now he is out mowing other lawns.

Last weekend my dryer decided it didn't want to work and it was rainy out so I could not hang my clothes on the line so Paul took it apart and got it going again.  Yippee it is nice he can do that.  While he was fixing it I hung up all the wet clothes around and put a fan blowing on them to help them dry.

When we were in town we took Nick to the skate park.  He skated for a while then he said he was hungry.  Big shocker there!

Here are some fun pictures that I changed. Dana and Nick fishing, Nick mowing, Hot lunch room where I do hot lunch, Dana at my crossing guard spot.

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