Sunday 3 June 2012

Benedy and Chris, new BBQ

Our friends Benedy and Chris moved to there new house a few months ago and we helped them move and have been out to there place for a BBQ.  It is so nice and peaceful out there.

Benedy has an old game system Nintendo 64 and the kids were playing Mario, they were having a blast on that old thing.

We have been out for a BBQ and Benedy makes these awesome potatoes, so I am going to try and make them on our new BBQ.

Chris had a bite on his arm that needed to be cleaned up so Dr. Dana went to work.

Benedy put the boys to work cleaning up the garage from all the boxes, of course Dexter and Nick found something to play with or hit each other with.

We gathered up some wood so we could have a fire to roast marshmallows. 

When we were in PEI I saw these wind chimes, I have always wanted some wind chimes but never saw or heard any I liked or they were too expensive.  I saw these wooden ones and they were $18, I thought that was a terrific price (if it is not I don't want to know).  I got them put up and just love it when there is a bit of a wind to hear them chime.

My umbrella broke a couple years ago, Paul tried to fix it but we couldn't figure out how to get the string down the pole and into the right spot then loop it around, so when I was getting the new BBQ they had umbrellas so I got a new one.

Our old BBQ is not working so great so now that BBQ's are on sale now is the time to get a new one.  Paul and Nick put it together can not wait to use it tonight for a BBQ.  Also this week was the Mulder meat sale, I was up and in line by 4:30am and back home by 8:00am.  Love all the stuff I got to BBQ for the summer.

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