Saturday 30 June 2012

Fun Gems

Before school ended I made a list of things I wanted to get done, one of them was get the house organized.  When I was going through some boxes I found this funny little story Dana did when she was in Grade 2.  So here it is in her own words:
The Red Eyed Bull by Dana Coad
One sunny day in the summer, me and Grandpa were driving his red truck down a dusty, bumpy road to the old wooden bridge. 
I yelled "Grandpa, look out! The dangerous red eyed bull is trying to hit the side of your door."
As we drove up the big hill, to the pasture, the great red eyed bull was charging at the truck, like a train out of control.
I had to climb over Grandpa's lap, go out the window and jump on the black, red eyed bull.
I had to get the rope out to get around his neck, I almost got the rough rope around his neck.  I shivered with fear, like a cold cat.  Grandpa was tazering the red yed bull.  I finally got his neck with the rope.
I said "good job Grandpa." We were goiing back to the house, Grandma saw everything that happened.  She was going crazy! Screaming and running around the yard.  We tied the red eyed bull to the fence post to calm down.
And time for Grandma to calm down too.  Grandpa and I were laughing at her.
This is my true story.

Dana is a good story teller, I love reading her stories.

Friday Paul only had to work for the morning so Nick, Dana, Paul and I headed into town.  We went to Costco and then to Micheals,  I head to the scrapbook part of the store and Dana heads to the art.  Dana decided that she wanted to learn to knit, so we got her some stuff.  Some needles and a book on how to knit.   When we got home I tried to figure it out and got frustrated so Paul took over he did better than me. He got frustrateed, so I googled how to knit and found a wonderful video and Dana and I learned to cast on.

Today we are going to learn how to knit.  She is so excited to finally be learning how to knit.

Dexter had two job interviews, one on Tuesday and one Friday.  Hopefully he will get two phones calls.

Nick is busy mowing lawns but our weather has been rainy, and more rain.  We got home last night about 8:00pm and he mowed out lawn now he is out mowing other lawns.

Last weekend my dryer decided it didn't want to work and it was rainy out so I could not hang my clothes on the line so Paul took it apart and got it going again.  Yippee it is nice he can do that.  While he was fixing it I hung up all the wet clothes around and put a fan blowing on them to help them dry.

When we were in town we took Nick to the skate park.  He skated for a while then he said he was hungry.  Big shocker there!

Here are some fun pictures that I changed. Dana and Nick fishing, Nick mowing, Hot lunch room where I do hot lunch, Dana at my crossing guard spot.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Last day of school

The last week of school was really busy, Assembly's, awards and field trips.  The weather was wonderful for both Dana and Nick for their field trips.
Dana got an award for most improved and work ethic.  Way to go Dana we are so proud of you. 

Nick also got some awards too.  Nick had a hard time the last half of school, but he turned it around and pulled up his socks and rocked.

Nick also had an assembly for the sports awards, for track and field there were 4 schools participating Nick threw the base ball the farthest and his relay team got number 1.

I went with Dana to help her empty out her locker because the day before she had her field trip to the water park and got sunburned.  Her locker was not bad at all. She did not want me to take her picture though.

Both Dana and Nick did NOT want there picture taken on the last day of school, but I did anyway.

And this is the last sandwich or lunch I have to make for a couple months. YIPPEE!!

Here is Nick with the gym teacher Mrs. Bourque and the Principal Mrs. Loker-French.

Here is where I did hot lunch for the last three years I also did the breakfast club too for a year.
For the past two years Nick has wanted an I Pod Touch, I didn't think kids his age should have one.  Nick decided that if he earned the money he could get one, so the past few months he has collected pop bottles and mowed grass for people.  Paul and I decided that because he had worked so hard in school we would help him buy it, we would just wait till school ended.  When the last day of school came Nick had $205.00.  We told him he did not need to use up all his money so he paid just over and half and we got the rest.  He was so happy and proud of himself.  So are we!

Monday 18 June 2012

Pics I found

I was going through my pictures and found some that I didn't post before.  Here are a couple of Nick and his goalie coach Brandon and Riley our other goalie for our AAA Fredericton Flames. For a couple of the practises Brandon wore his goalie gear, Nick loved that.

Here is the Willie O Ree rink that Nick had his practises at.  It was a huge place two rinks, walking track, work out room.

Here is a pic of me after I got my hair cut back in Feb. 

One day there was a Wood Pecker that was going to town on this poor tree.

One Saturday i took Nick and Brody skating, they didn't have a game or a practise and wanted to go skating.

Here is Dana with her new hat she bought, she is a good little shopper, does not get that from me.

Nick and Dana playing Lego, they are so funny together.

Benedy and I at her house for Chris's birthday party.

Everyday after school Dana walks right by me and we visit for a bit then she would walk up and meet Dexter and hang with him for a bit.  Now that Dex is done working for Shirley Dana sits with me and hangs out till Nick is done school then the two of them walk home together.

After practise Nick got his new jacket and he was so excited for his AAA Fredericton Flames jacket.

Nick was playing around with the settings on the camera.

That is all, I can not upload any more pictures for some reason.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Benedy and Chris, new BBQ

Our friends Benedy and Chris moved to there new house a few months ago and we helped them move and have been out to there place for a BBQ.  It is so nice and peaceful out there.

Benedy has an old game system Nintendo 64 and the kids were playing Mario, they were having a blast on that old thing.

We have been out for a BBQ and Benedy makes these awesome potatoes, so I am going to try and make them on our new BBQ.

Chris had a bite on his arm that needed to be cleaned up so Dr. Dana went to work.

Benedy put the boys to work cleaning up the garage from all the boxes, of course Dexter and Nick found something to play with or hit each other with.

We gathered up some wood so we could have a fire to roast marshmallows. 

When we were in PEI I saw these wind chimes, I have always wanted some wind chimes but never saw or heard any I liked or they were too expensive.  I saw these wooden ones and they were $18, I thought that was a terrific price (if it is not I don't want to know).  I got them put up and just love it when there is a bit of a wind to hear them chime.

My umbrella broke a couple years ago, Paul tried to fix it but we couldn't figure out how to get the string down the pole and into the right spot then loop it around, so when I was getting the new BBQ they had umbrellas so I got a new one.

Our old BBQ is not working so great so now that BBQ's are on sale now is the time to get a new one.  Paul and Nick put it together can not wait to use it tonight for a BBQ.  Also this week was the Mulder meat sale, I was up and in line by 4:30am and back home by 8:00am.  Love all the stuff I got to BBQ for the summer.