Tuesday 6 December 2011

Colds, Hockey and scrapbooking

The winter cold has been at our house, we have all except Dexter (so far) had a cough, Dana and Nick were home from school and one of the days we got some snow and Nick was mad because he was sick and could not go out and play in it.

We have been super busy with Hockey and hockey related things.  Last saturday Nick's team had a bottle drive then a hockey game.  We all met at 8:30am and then headed out in trucks.  It was a slow start but in the end we almost made $600.  The kids split up into groups and Riley, Brock and Nick went together.

After the bottle drive the kids had their hockey game against the #1 ranked team in their division.  I was worried about the game and thinking it would be bad.  But the team played good and Nick was awesome in net. Our team was really good in the first period but then by the third had given up or was tired.  We do have a good team but our defence really needs to pull up there socks.  He saved some pretty wicked shots.  We lost 6 to 1.  After the game I had a couple of the parents from the other team tell me how good Nick was.  One of the parents said that if Nick was their goalie they would be unstoppable.  There team is really good because they have good defence, there goalie is good but Nick is way better.  It was good to hear the good things from other people about Nick.

Paul also had a hockey game so after Nick's game we went over to watch Paul play hockey.  Wow what a game that was. Pushing and shoving.  Paul almost scored two goals too.  Then after Paul's game was another military game so Nick wanted to stay and watch that too.   Nothing like staying at the rink all day and getting nothing done at home.

A bit ago I started working on a little project and got it finished today.  I took a book I got at the dollar store and painted the edges and glued pattern paper on the front and back.

I made these cards and scrapbook pages at Club.

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