Thursday 17 November 2011

busy days

It has been super crazy around here, some things I will talk about and others I will not.  The kids are doing good.  Dana has a bit of a cold and at night her nose gets all stuffed up so she does not sleep too well.

The workers came to check the furnace and hot water tank and the guy told me to turn on the furnace so it would kick on and he would check it.  Well he left and my furnace was blowing cold air.  Thank goodness I don't need it yet.

Last wed I called Dana's school to let them know that she was stressed out with all the work she had to do.  Then I went to Nick's school to do hot lunch and while I was there the guidance councillor called and said that it was all Dana's fault for being stressed.  What are you kidding me.  I was not impressed at all by her comments.  I said that Dana has projects and homework due and she is stressed.  She then told me that Dana gets extra time, I said that is great but she and I do not know when that is, I said a communication book would be very helpful to let me know what is going on.  She said oh that is a wonderful idea.  (I had been telling them that it would be very helpful for me then I would know what was going on but they didn't want to do it) Gee after a year and half it is now a good idea?

Then a bit later I got another phone call telling me that Dana had to have her hair combed by Monday.  I said fine her hair does need to be combed but some mornings it is not a battle I want to start.  I said her head is so sensitive that if I get her to comb her hair she has a headache and puts her in a super bad mood.  There are more important things to get her to do in the morning, getting to school on time, brushing her teeth, putting clean clothes on.  I am getting very frustrated by these TA's and guidance councillors who say they are specialist in the field of Autism but really have NO idea about it.

So last weekend the kids had Thursday, Friday and then sat and sun off we spent all 4 days combing Dana's hair.  There were tons and tons of tears from Dana and myself and the boys helped out by playing with her so I could comb her hair.  NOT a fun long weekend at all.  But in the end her hair was finished.  She had named her hair tangles Big Joe and Little Joe.  (she is not happy with me for taking her picture either)

Dexter had some projects to do also.  So last week he had to get them finished.  A couple of them he did then I typed them for him.  Another project was his brownie cookies.  So one day we made the brownie cookies and he did his poster board.

Nick had some french home work due and I had no idea so we went to visit Cate and James for some help.  Cate gave Dex a wonderful idea for his project on how to present his brownie cookies.  Nick got his homework done and we had a fun visit.  Dex hung out with Jordie who goes to school with Dex.  So the night of the market we were all ready to go.  Dex and I worked together on putting the brownie cookies in the baggies and wrapping the ribbon around them. 

 Dana was very excited to go help Dex and Nick had fun playing hide and go seek with his friend at the school.  I was very happy to say that he did not get lost.  (They each had a map of the school)

Any time someone came and took a brownie cookie Dana would fill up the plate.  I was impressed with both Dana and Dex, Dana for helping Dex and talking to people that stopped by and also for watching the booth right by Dex if he had to go anywhere.  Dexter did a great job on his project he put a lot of work into it.  He had to come up with a business plan, make the brownie cookies and poster board.  Then go to the market with his project.  Awesome job.  He was happy when it was over.

Yesterday Dana got to go to St. John Aquatic center for a Praise Day.  She was so excited to go and she definitely deserved it.  She works so hard in school.

Over the weekend Nick decided that he wanted to paint his car so he had fun doing that.  Funny boy.  His team had a game last Saturday and the other goalie was in net for the whole time so this Saturday is Nick turn in net for the whole game.  He is super excited, I just hope that his team remembers to play there positions and the game goes good.

Dex and I went out side and got the leaves all raked up.  The day before Nick was outside raking the leaves into piles he did a good job too.  We had the dogs outside for a while with us but they got so excited and were barking at the leaves and the rake.  We got the leaves in the piles then I take the bag stand on the two edges and fill the bag.  Dex and I have a good system and it didn't take us long.  Then the next day it rained and rained, so glad that was done.

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