Monday 2 April 2012

Opening a coconut, Beney and Chris

For a while now Dexter has wanted to get a coconut and open it up, so we finally saw one at the groc store.  Dex had tried to open on up before but it did not work out too good so he had some other ideas on how to get it open.  He got some tools gathered up and we started cutting the thing open. We started with a tiny hole then went to a bigger one, dumped the milk out then went around the whole thing making holes and broke it open.

Katherine was over and played the Wii with the kids, and of course Sasha is always right beside her.

Last weekend friends of mine Chris and Beney were moving so we put some stuff in the van and followed them out to there new house.  It was nice out in the country, a nice little drive.  Chris and Beney used to live a couple of houses down from us so I am going to miss seeing them and going for walks with Beney.

Of course Dex had to pretend to throw Nick off the Deck, man older brothers are such a pain.  (That is what Nick said)

Beney was trying to get Chris's wheel chair out of the van and was having some troubles so Chris gets in and out she came no troubles at all.  Those two are so funny, I just love them.

After we got the stuff in the house we went out for supper.  We let Beney and Chris decide and they chose East Side Mario's.  When we pulled into the parking lot Nick was not happy about having to eat there.  We have never eaten there but I guess he went with a friend and didn't like what he had.  I said just try it and don't hurt Beney's feelings by being rude.  So we went in and had to wait of course Nick held the buzzer.  We had a great time and Nick loved the food, he kept saying he wants to eat there for his birthday.

The next day Beney called to see if Nick and Dana wanted to go swimming at the hotel.  So we went over the kids went swimming and Beney and I bonded.  It was a very fun afternoon.

For some reason I can not upload any more pictures so I will have to do more later.

Paul and Nick had an awesome time in Lake Placid.  I will post them when I get the pictures on my computer.  They didn't get home until 2 in the morning.

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