Thursday 9 February 2012

Hockey, work, Gabbys haircut

Today I was looking at some blogs and thought why have these people not blogged in a while.  Then I thought wait a minute I have not blogged in a while.  Things have been crazy and most days I do not have a minute to think.

Work is going good, I have a wonderful picture of me that I took of myself but it is on my phone and I have no cord to down load it to my computer.  In the morning and after school I am pretty busy but lunch time it is very slow so I take a milk crate and some music.  I find if I walk around or stand on my feet all during lunch time when I go back at 2:00pm my feet get sore.

I also got another job working with my friends daughter three nights a week to go walking or some sort of exercise.  We have gone for walks with Sasha who helps to keep Katherine going and tried out Zomba, which Katherine did not like at all.  We went to the ice rink last night to play hockey while Nick had practise then walked around.  Friday we are going to the outdoor rink with Nick and play hockey, which she is very excited about.

Last Friday and Saturday Nick had three hockey games.  He was in net on Friday and it was a tied game 3 to 3.   He saved 25/28 shots.  That is the lowest amount of shots he has had in a game.  Then we played Saturday morning our other goalie was in net and we tied again 4 to 4. Soon as that game was over we had to head to the next game.  The kids only got about an hour break and they were back on the ice.  Of course we had to play the best team and our kids were really tired.  Nick had 60 shots on him and he saved 50, he worked his butt off but unfortunately his team was just too tired and we lost.  Nick felt really bad that he had let his team down.  His coaches told the team that Nick kept them in the game and it was his fault they lost.  But of course there was a couple of kids who told Nick he sucked and it was his fault they lost.  I was not impressed at all, I have not seen Nick that defeated and upset before, he didn't even want to play or go to the next practise.

But I am happy to say that he did go to the next practise and I told the coach what had happened and he said we told the kids that it was not Nicks fault and he played his best like he always does, the kids just did not support him.  He said he would take care of it and remind the kids about being nice and stuff.  Nick is a good goalie but his team does not help him, as a result he has gotten much better with saving the rebounds.

Nicks team even has there own mascot.  Charlie is one of the boys little brother and he loves hockey and being in the dressing room with them. He loves to wear his Eagles costume.

Nick also got a surprise at the game on Friday.  We told him that his helmet was not going to be done for the game and Chris (the other goalies Dad) felt really bad but it was not ready.  We get to the arena and there was his helmet.  He was super excited.  Yes that is Nick's friend Brody being his silly self.

Nick was super excited about his helmet he wouldn't even put it in his hockey bag it went on top of the hockey tree and he carried it. 

Last week I took Gabby in to get her hair cut.  I was combing her hair everyday but then it got cold and I put a sweater on her and her hair got all tangled up what a mess.  She looks different and is not the same puppy, she is coming around but is still not the same.  It stressed her right out and she is different.

I also got a surprise in the mail.  Jodi sent me a fancy new coat, which is so warm and looks so much better than my work coat (I will get a pic and you can see) she got an awesome deal and was thinking of me.  Love you Jodi ;)

Here is Dana after she asked Dexter for some whip cream.  Silly kids.

My dear family, your Christmas presents are still being finished, I still have to write in them, the hardest part for me.  Some days (most) I have no time to work on them but you will get them someday.

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