Wednesday 21 August 2013

Out of the house

Yesterday I decided I was going to take Dana and Nick out to the Country Pumpkin so Dana could pet and feed some horses. She really didn't want to go and stayed up quite late in hopes I would leave her alone. So when she finally got up I said let's get changed and get going on our adventure. She didn't want to go. (Kids are so frustrating) so I went up to see how Nick was doing in the bathroom with his birds, Shaggy and Scooby. 

All three kids wanted birds but Dana tried to pet a big bird and it nipped her finger. Didn't break the skin or anything but after that she wasn't impressed with them. I walked away and let the boys work it out. (At this point in time I have had my fill of kids and really just want some piece without being pestered for things) Nicks bird is Shaggy and he's the green coloured one.  Dexters is the other one Scooby whom is suppose to be a girl. I think Nick got suckered into buying both. But it really doesn't matter cause when Paul gets home in a week he is going to have a fit and they will have to go I am sure. He hates animals. 

To be honest these are the two birds I liked but no I would not have gotten them. I took a picture instead. I just think they are so cute.

So the boys have been taking them out of there cage in the bathroom because there wings are not clipped. Oh goodie that was fun the first time cause we didn't know, all over the living room till we finally got Shaggy back. 

So back to today, I decided the only way to get Dana out of the house would be to take her for lunch then just go to the Country Pumpkin cause she didn't want to leave the house. So I told her I was taking her to Subway for lunch. It worked she was ok with that. Then after lunch we headed out. 

Dana was not too happy she could not even get close to the horses. I was sad too cause I know that would have made her day. We got some fresh veggies, corn on the cob for supper, blueberry pie (nick wanted the pie) then got some ice cream. 

Then we came home put our stuff away and Nick and I are at the golf course or driving range rather. 

It was a good day, any day is a good day when I can get Dana out of the house. That's a bonus, she's a tough one for sure. Tries my patience and lately she won't even answer she just shrugs her shoulders. She really needs summer school to keep her going. Not so much the school work just the routine of having to do stuff. I am going to have to find something for her for the summers from now on. She holes up in her room, she's like a bear that hibernates only she does it in the summer. I thought it would get easier the older the she got but its just different challenges and not any easier that's for sure. If she makes her mind up there's no changing it. 

For example the birds, she loves all animals she wanted her own bird but when that one got her finger she didn't like them. I talked her into going in the bathroom with Dex when he let them out. She hated it said they were too loud and please get rid of them. She was in there less than 5 minutes. Nothing, not time or getting to know them will change her mind, she doesn't like them. 

For school lunches if she told me she wanted ham and I gave her turkey cause I was out of ham she wouldn't eat it. She wants ham. Nick on the other eats what ever is in his lunch kit. Not Dana she brought her whole lunch home cause she wasn't in the mood for any of it. I make there sandwich, and they do the rest of their lunch, I have a container in the cupboard and a drawer in the fridge for lunch stuff pick what you want. 

Saturday 3 August 2013

Up & going again

I have been having major issues with my blog for the last few weeks. Very frustrating for me. 
It seems that my last few posts are not on here anymore. It is frustrating that all my post for this year are gone. 
Nick has been busy mowing lawns and earned enough money to by himself a BMX bike. He was super excited about it. 

Nick rode his new bike for a couple days then we had rain, lots of rain. When it finally stopped raining he was out riding his bike but the happiness didn't last long, the handle bars kept going down and his seat wouldn't stay on. He was not impressed at all. 
He didn't even have the bike a week and it was falling apart. So he took it back, got his money back and went on the hunt for a new bike. He ended up finding a new bike in a new store, he wasn't going to chance another bike from the same store. 

I realized after I was looking at these pictures that Nick is wearing the same shirt. Must be a favourite. 

I am going to post this and see if it works. Fingers crossed