Friday 21 September 2012

Camping part one

This morning was crazy my alarm didn't go off and Nick knocks on the door and says "Mom is school cancelled?" I look at the clock 7:22 crap I have to leave the house at 7:30.  But we all made it.  Thank goodness Nick woke up who knows when I would have Dexter got a job and he starts work at 3:00 and is finished at 11:30pm so I have been trying to stay awake to pick him up, he needs to find a ride home I can't stay up that late.

We went camping and had a wonderful time.  We went to Yogi Bear campground by Woodstock because Nick had hockey practise there.
We got our campsite and got set up then walked around the campground there was so much to do for the kids.
We went and did the mini putt golf which was fun.

After golfing Nick and Dana went panning for gems and fossils.


After the pool we went to our camp and warmed up by the fire.

Well for some reason the blog wont let me add any more pictures so I will start another one.



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